I launched my Lovesplaining newsletter on Substack on Friday – and the feedback I’ve gotten has been more positive than anything I’ve ever done. (which is a bit of a shame on one level, but pretty exciting on another!)

Substack is the home of Elizabeth Gilbert, Salman Rushdie and Dan Rather. Real celebrities with authentic and important voices. Somehow, it’s my new home as well.

The company has embraced me with open arms and is thrilled to have someone to be a “lighthouse” for a potential new category on their site: dating and relationships.

In less than 3 days, over 300 people have subscribed to Lovesplaining – and that’s before word gets out to the broader universe outside my little bubble.

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

Intelligent conversation is flowing in the comments. Thoughtful dissents are coming in. Longtime readers and new subscribers are sending their Honey Shots for future posts.

This is literally the best outcome I could have imagined. I’m living my dream.

If listening to me is like listening to your date talk about his golf game or fantasy football team, I get it. The difference between that guy and me is this:

What I’m creating for you is FAR more relevant to your future happiness.

So if you’ve been enjoying my writing and want to take things to the next level, click here to subscribe to my new Substack channel and get access to all my new stuff.

The first two weeks – with posts and podcasts on Friday and Tuesday – are free, but will switch to subscriber only on September 28th so act now.


Warmest wishes and much love,

Your friend,


P.S. On Tuesday, I’m answering my first long-form reader question in three years – and it’s a doozy: How Can I Relax in Dating If I’m 40 and Want a Family?

Subscribe now to see my answer when it comes out.

dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile