Since it’s the last week of the year and many readers are on vacation, I’m not doing a full Lovesplaining with the 1500-word post and the different categories. Instead, I wrote about something I’ve been feeling recently. I hope it resonates with you. I look forward to returning to our regular programming next week.

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

17 years ago, I had a therapist tell me:

“Evan, life is like a hunk of Swiss cheese – and all you do is look at the holes.”

This penchant for criticism has proven to be my deepest weakness. Magnifying flaws in others kept me single for many years and undermined some of my closest relationships. Then again, my clear-eyed worldview has also been an asset. You need to know what’s NOT working in love if you want to be able to fix it, and I’ve made a career of discovering what works.


For this reason, I don’t think I’m a pessimist; I prefer to call myself a “reality-based” dating coach. But here’s a sober reality check: I’m in the 99.9% of lucky people on Earth but I rarely feel that way.

Click here to read the full post on Lovesplaining.

dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile