I Was a 19-Year-Old Virgin When…

This is an important post, so keep reading until the very end.

First, I’m going to begin with a confession about my past.
Next, I’m going to teach you a quick lesson about love.
Finally, I’m going to offer you a chance to take action and change your life forever.

First, my confession – or, rather, a series of confessions.

I was a “nice guy” in high school. Friends with most, dated by none. You could often find me counseling cute girls on the phone, mainly on why they should ditch the bad boys and give guys like me a chance. (Who knew I’d be doing the same thing 30 years later?!) I got rejected twice before getting a prom date. I didn’t lose my virginity until I was a sophomore in college.

Let’s just say I was a late bloomer.

Take all that teenage angst and move it to Los Angeles, where I spent my twenties as an unemployed screenwriter. For nearly 10 years, I suffered from anxiety, loneliness, and low self-esteem – mostly because I chose a career that didn’t pay the bills. When I turned 30, I had no job, no money, and had never even been in love. (I had, at least, lost my virginity a few times over by then.)

I wrote “I Can’t Believe I’m Buying This Book” in 2003. It was my first career success. Positive review in Time. Feature in USA Today. Solo interview on CNN. All allowed me to become a full-time dating coach at age 31.

Not coincidentally, with more money, confidence, and experience, my love life started to improve.

I fell in love for the first time that year. That girlfriend dumped me.

The next year, I fell in love for the second time. That girlfriend dumped me, too.

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

At age 33, I wrote my second book, “Why You’re Still Single – Things Your Friends Would Tell You If You Promised Not to Get Mad.”

It didn’t sell well. It didn’t change my love life. I was the same guy I was before, with a little more money, still flailing around on dating sites without a clue.

When I was nearly at the end of my rope, I wrote an article for Match called “Last Single Guy Standing.” After all, that’s what I felt like.

Here I was, giving dating advice to others, while I couldn’t figure things out myself.

It was the ultimate hypocrisy.

I had never had a successful relationship. How could I teach others what it felt like when you found something special and enduring?

By the time I was 34, I was burned out.

After hundreds of dates, all I had to show for it were two books, some talk show appearances and two girlfriends who didn’t think I was marriage material.

I can only guess that I felt a bit like you do today – convinced that there was something wrong with me – or maybe with the opposite sex – that would prevent me from having the life I dreamed of.

Then, I met the woman who would become my wife.

Our relationship was different… but I didn’t know what to make of it.

All I knew was that she wasn’t what I’d been searching for online but our relationship was the healthiest and easiest one I ever had.

That word – EASY – was an awakening for me – and I want it to be one for you, too.

You can have love, laughter, trust, friendship, AND great sex — and still have an easy relationship. But you can’t do that if you keep doing what you’re doing.

I spent years pursuing the wrong partners while complaining there was no one out there for me. Maybe you’ve done the same.

It does not have to be that way.

You can have love, laughter, trust, friendship, AND great sex – and still have an easy relationship. But you can’t do that if you keep doing what you’re doing.

Something has to change.


If you don’t know what needs to change, that’s okay.

I do. 🙂

And that’s why I created a free (and highly entertaining) presentation to help you identify the wrong guys fast, and know how to act when you finally meet Mr. Right.

Just click here to learn the lessons that it took me over 34 years to learn.

Who: You and me!
What: A free webinar called How You Can Stop Wasting Time on the Wrong Men and Finally Get the Unconditional Love You Deserve.
When: Tuesday, September 12th at 5 PM Pacific (8 PM Eastern)
Where: Wherever you have a big screen to watch my powerful (and very pretty!) presentation.
Why: Because you want to find love now and don’t want to waste another second.

Click this link to get registered now.

In case you’re wondering what you’ll learn before we connect on a live Q&A, here’s just a small taste of what I’ll share with you in the first 45 minutes:

  • How to gain confidence, set boundaries and dump anyone who doesn’t treat you right.
  • 8 ways your inner confidence will make men respect and want to commit to you.
  • How you’ve settled on the wrong men before, plus a sure-fire way to make sure you never settle again.
  • The four qualities your husband must have for you to have a happy marriage.
  • The difference between attractive qualities and important qualities. Once you understand this, you’ll never again waste time on the “wrong” men.

Right now, take out your calendar and block an hour and a half for tomorrow evening.

Can’t wait to see you on the webinar and answer your questions on my live Q&A.

Warmest wishes and much love,

Your friend,


P.S. Click here to register for the webinar right now.

dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile