9 Things You MUST Know to Find Your Lifelong Partner

I often read things that I wish I’d written.

Then I realize I already DID write them – just over a series of 1000 blog posts and not syndicated by some content portal like Huffington Post, Good Men Project, Elite Daily or Elephant Journal.

This week’s article that I’d like to take credit for is by Ellen McCarthy, editor of the Washington Post’s “On Love” column. I haven’t read it myself, but I assume it’s very much like the New York Times’s “Modern Love” column on Sundays. Anyway, if you immerse yourself in the world of dating and relationships, you’re bound to learn what works and what doesn’t through sheer osmosis,  which is not to denigrate McCarthy’s findings.

Stop looking for someone who’s perfect on paper.

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

Here are 9 brilliant pieces of advice that your grandma probably should have told you:

1. Stop looking for someone who’s perfect on paper.

2. Ignore other people’s expectations.

3. Don’t hit the panic button.

4. Go for genuine interest, not game play.

5. Aim for comfortable.

6. Don’t force your partner to be your everything.


7. Lay out your expectations – all of them.

8. Stop thinking about sex. Start thinking about everything else.

9. Forget about finding The One.

Make sure you click on the link above to read the full piece – and please comment below to add any (serious) piece of advice that you also think is a must-know for any single person about forging a healthy long-term relationship.


dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile