An Interview with Evan Marc Katz on Ashley Stahl’s YouTurn Podcast

I generally have a belief that, as we get older, we get smarter.

After all, there’s no substitute for life experience, and can’t we all look back at ourselves from 5-10 years ago and wince at how little we seemed to know?

As we get older, we get smarter.

Ashley Stahl is an exception to that rule.

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

At 33, Ashley has already accomplished more than many do in a lifetime.

Working for the Pentagon at age 23. Giving a TED talk. Becoming a career coach. Making millions. And, recently, falling in love and writing a book…

Ashley and I found each other a few years ago and became fast friends. She’s one of the only people I turn to for business advice because she’s simply better at it than I am.

And when she asked me to guest on her popular You Turn Podcast this summer, I couldn’t resist. She’s so personable, authentic, and curious, I knew we’d have a blast.

When a millennial interviews someone from GenX, you know magic is in the air!

During our conversation, Ashley and I discuss:


  • The differences between men and women.
  • The universality and skill to online dating.
  • The importance of healthy communication.
  • How to be more intentional, take action and listen to your heart when it comes to love.

I love Ashley and her positive energy and I’m thrilled that she shared her huge platform with me. Now, I share her with you.

Click here to listen to my interview with Ashley.

Warmest wishes and much love,

Your friend,


dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile