How to Up Your Game At Parties

I do a lot of online dating stuff because it’s hard to create a social life from scratch when you’re 35-60, work in a small office, and most of your friends are married.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t see the great importance of real-life interactions.

My Love U course has an entire week on Meeting Men and another week on Flirting. And yet, I’m always on the lookout for other resources that can help you up your game.

As per usual, my favorite resource, The New York Times, lives up to its billing as “All The News That’s Fit To Print,” with this handy-dandy guide to being better at parties.  

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

I’m not going to attempt to do it justice but encourage you to click on it and consider how many tiny ways there are to improve your social skills, with just a little bit of planning and forethought.

Where are you headed when you walk into the room?

What’s your goal for the evening?

Do you have anything interesting going on in your life right now to discuss?

Are you a hugger or a handshaker?

Party skills are dating skills, people. Learn them and thank me later.


Do you naturally smile or do you have to remember to do so?

Are you naturally inquisitive and do you ask interesting questions?

Do you hold eye contact and make people feel important?

Party skills are dating skills, people. Learn them and thank me later.

Your thoughts, below, on the linked article, are greatly appreciated

dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile