(Video) The Reason You Attract Men Who Treat You Poorly

First of all, thanks for your great questions.

It was touching to see the outpouring of responses and it makes me want to work even harder to take away your pain and frustration about the opposite sex.

It was also somewhat validating, because the one thing that I thought was going to be the most popular question turned out to BE the most popular question.

Here are a few variations:

  • How do you decipher the men that are looking for a real relationship vs. the ones looking for a one-night stand?
  • How can I be sure the man that starts out so strong is a man who wants to build a relationship and not a player?
  • Why didn’t he feel connected with me since he showed signs of being in love?
  • How can I know when to invest and open up and when can I tell he doesn’t have real long term potential?
  • What makes men commit to some women and not others?
  • How do you know when you’ve met the “right” guy?

In short, we’re looking at a pattern that applies to just about every single woman.

“How can I stop wasting time on the wrong men and finally choose a husband?” Believe it or not, there is an answer to this question.

You fall for a guy based on chemistry and common interests.

He makes a great effort to charm you, seduce you, and win you over.

You get your hopes up.

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

You let down your guard.

You fall in love.

You discover that he is selfish, abusive, unavailable, critical, and unable or unwilling to make a commitment.

This has happened so often that it’s made you want to give up on men altogether.

The problem is that you don’t want to give up.

You don’t want to be alone for the rest of your life.

You want to find love.

You want to live happily ever after.

You made this loud and clear in your questions, which can be summed up in one choice phrase:

“How can I stop wasting time on the wrong men and finally choose a husband?”

Believe it or not, there is an answer to this question.

In fact, there are TWO things you need to know to help you choose a husband — and I’ll tell you both of them next week.

In the meantime, I recorded a couple of videos to answer the other main questions from my survey. And I was delighted to discover that your questions corresponded neatly to the way I’ve structured my new coaching course, Love U.

My theory is that skills build on top of skills.

Before a doctor becomes a heart surgeon, she has to take organic chemistry.

Before a lawyer argues before the Supreme Court, she has to go to law school.

While you certainly don’t have to be academically inclined to get married, before we talk about how you can finally choose a husband, it would be valuable to walk through a few of the steps that come before marriage.


  • Confidence
  • Meeting Men
  • Dating
  • Understanding Men
  • Relationships
  • Commitment

These are the 6 modules of my upcoming Love U program.

My theory is that skills build on top of skills.

I am going to answer ONE question from each module before I reveal how to choose your husband next week.

In today’s video, you will learn the answers to the 3 most popular dating questions:

  • Why do I have confidence in every aspect of my life except dating and relationships?
  • How come I never meet any quality men?
  • Why do I always seem to attract guys who treat me poorly?

Juicy stuff, huh?

Click here to watch the video, and, when you’re done, be sure to register for my free “How You Can Stop Wasting Time on the Wrong Men and Finally Choose Your Husband” webinar on Monday, May 18th.

In it, I will tell you the two things you need to do to choose a husband, even more great information about understanding men, and give you an opportunity to learn more about my new coaching program, which has been 5 years in the making.

Can’t wait to hear how this first video helps you out!

Watch the first video now.

Warmest wishes and much love,

Your friend,


dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile