What You Probably Don’t Know About Me That Can Help You

You know me pretty well at this point, but there are a few things you may not know.

I think they’re relevant for you to get a clear picture of the guy who’s giving you dating advice:

I had to ask three girls to the prom before one said yes.

I was a virgin until I was a 19-year-old sophomore.

I had generalized anxiety disorder and nearly dropped out of college.

I lost my father suddenly when he was only 53 years old.

I wrote 15 sitcom scripts and 13 screenplays in my 20’s. None sold.

I never made more than $39,000 in any year until I was 32.

I went on over 300 dates and got dumped by the 3 women I loved the most.

In short: I know failure. Thankfully, I’ve also known success.

In the past five years, I got married, bought a house, traveled the world, helped thousands of women find love, and I’m having my second child in October.

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve been blessed in many ways. I grew up in an upper middle class family with a lot of love. I’ve had the luxury of failing without wondering whether I was going to lose my home or health insurance.

But if you read what I wrote above, it hasn’t been all smooth sailing.

And if anything has marked my life, it’s that I was never afraid to ask for help.

When I was trying to keep my head up through anxiety, through dead-end jobs and through my ill-fated Hollywood career, I asked my parents for help.

When I was trying to figure out how to sell a book, I asked a friend, who introduced me to a literary agent.

When I was trying to figure out how to build a website, I asked another friend, who referred me to some great web developers.

When I was trying to figure out how to create products, I hired a business coach.

When I was trying to figure out how to successfully launch products, I bought an expensive course in online product launches.

There is not one aspect of my life where I haven’t asked for help.

There is not one aspect of my life where I haven’t failed.

There is not one aspect of my life where I haven’t asked for help.

So if you have ever said to yourself any of these things:

“There are no good men out there.”

“Men in my town are not as good as men elsewhere.”

“I can’t stand any of the guys who write to me online.”

“I’m taking a break from dating for awhile.”

“Men are only looking for one thing.”

“I attract only the wrong men.”


Guess what?

You’re failing and you’re not asking for help.

And you can read my emails every day until the end of time and nothing will change in your life because you don’t actually do anything differently.

I’m giving you an incredible chance to understand men, find love and get happy — and I’ve created a package that is the best thing I’ve ever offered yet.

Are you going to let this one pass and hope that one day Mr. Right drops through the ceiling? Or are you going to take action, get some great value, and say goodbye to all the woe-is-me, there-are-no-good-men crap that has stopped you from being optimistic about love?

Remember, I went through a lot more bad dates than anyone on my entire mailing list — and it’s not because I’m a glutton for punishment.

It’s because I knew that it was WORTH it.

True love is everywhere — if you’re willing to learn and grow and persevere.

I was, and now I’m living my dream.

You can, too.

Join me and a community of smart, strong, successful women in FOCUS Coaching and start creating the love life you deserve.

Warmest wishes and much love,

Your friend,


dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile