Why “Are We Dating the Same Guy” Groups Are a Horrible Idea

I learned about “Are We Dating the Same Guy” Facebook groups, somewhat predictably, from my own private Love U Facebook group.

If you’re not in the know – and, to some degree, I hope you’re not – “Are We Dating the Same Guy” is a phenomenon – big enough to be written about in the New York Times – in which “members in those groups will share an image and brief details about a guy they are seeing along with one single inquiry: Is he taken? Others will post photos of their bad exes to warn other women.


These forums originated with the intention of helping women look out for other women. But Are We Dating The Same Guy groups — there are more than 150 in different cities around the world — have become increasingly criticized for divisiveness, toxicity, defamation and privacy issues.”

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

I’ve been writing online since 2003 and my site has 1000 blog posts with over 140,000 comments. I’ll give you one guess as to whether you think all of them were compliments from my Mom. The only thing you can count on when posting your opinion online is that someone will disagree, misinterpret what you meant, and write something nasty in return.


Click here to read the full article on Lovesplaining.

dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile