Ah, the fabled silver lining – there’s one for every dark cloud. Even the worst break-ups have them, according to Happenmag.com. In this article, the author collects true-life break-up stories that turn out to have happy endings.

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Ready for Lasting Love?

“About five years ago, I met Sara at a Memorial Day barbecue and we began going out. We had fun together – I wasn’t sure it was anything that was heading towards marriage, but I had a good time with her. She must have felt the same way too, because a few weeks into our dating, she said, ‘You know, you’re a great guy, and at the risk of sounding totally weird, I think you would really hit it off with my sister, Kathy.’ Even though the rejection stung a little, I said I was up for meeting her sister. Good thing I did – Sara was the maid of honor when Kathy and I got married.”


Do you have an experience where a break-up turned out to be a good thing, perhaps even the best thing that came out of that relationship? Share them with our readers, and comment on what others have to say. To find out more or to order Finding the One Online, click here.

dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile