I don’t know where you’re at in your love life, but if you’re anything like my other clients, you aren’t too thrilled with the state of affairs.

You may be taking a long “guyatus” from dating after one too many disappointments.

You may be dating, and dealing with the ups and downs inherent in the process of looking for love.

You may even be in a relationship, which may or may not have long-term potential.

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

Staying in a dissatisfying relationship is one of the main reasons why you’re not in a GREAT relationship.

All I know is that people who are feeling great about their relationships rarely reach out to their dating coach.

So it should have been no surprise when I had three different clients last week tell me some version of “I love him. He’s a jerk. I can’t let him go.”


Staying in a dissatisfying relationship is one of the main reasons why you’re not in a GREAT relationship. If you’re sitting around waiting for him to act like a prince, but he pretty much hasn’t acted like one since the first month, it’s time to move along.

This is one of the underlying themes of my Revolutionary Relationships Retreat.

It’s surprisingly simple, and surprisingly deep.

Your man should be the cornerstone upon which you build your life.


If your relationship isn’t making you happy, what’s the point of it?

Revolutionary Relationships are easy, satisfying, and solid. Your man should be the cornerstone upon which you build your life. And if he’s not — if you are always second-guessing yourself, or second-guessing him, I’m guessing that you need an entirely new decision-making architecture to help you choose a good partner.

To that end, I have created a short video series that should let you know if you’re wasting time with the wrong men.

So take a minute and make sure you check out the first 2 of…

The 6 Reasons You Stay With the Wrong Man for Too Long

Enjoy the video. Hope to see you soon…

dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile