[Video] I’m Crazy. You’re Crazy. Let’s Get Married!

Do you have 19 minutes and 53 seconds?


You MUST watch this video by Alain de Botton about the nature of love.

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

I’ve written about de Botton before, with good reason: the man is brilliant, wise, and funny, no matter what his subject matter.

But there’s something special about watching a video in which the author:

Rails against romanticism – destroying the concept of soulmates, destiny and “you just know” feelings.

Pillories the idea that your partner should confirm all your feelings, think you’re perfect, and read your mind.

Points out that  we are highly flawed people with  few powers of introspection and capacity for change who are dating other highly flawed people with few powers of introspection and capacity for change.

A good marriage isn’t based on the lie of pretend perfection, but rather, acknowledging our flaws, laughing at them, and working around them.


Reminds us that we’re drawn to  partners that are familiar, and not necessarily healthy.

Slaps us with the reality that a good marriage isn’t based on the lie of pretend perfection, but rather, acknowledging our flaws, laughing at them, and working around them.

I love his tone and could have said every word myself if I were a famous philosopher who has published 15 books in less than 25 years.

Your thoughts, below, are greatly appreciated.

dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile