The Best Dating Apps

Yeah, yeah, I know I’m a little old-school. I don’t think we can (or should) turn back the clock on dating and gender dynamics, but I do feel that our hyper-wired, instant gratification society has fostered unprecedented problems in dating.

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

Years ago, you’d meet someone you liked, you’d ask her out, and you’d see where things took you. It was rare to date more than one person simultaneously, because there wasn’t the volume or the opportunity. Online dating changed all that – and I took advantage. Suddenly, I had access to thousands of women, whom I was able to contact with a well-written profile and a handful of emails.

Why does dating suck? Because you go out with so many creeps. Why do you go out with so many creeps? Because you’re not screening them.

These days, online dating seems quaint. People don’t have time for things like profiles or emails. Basically we want to scroll through pictures and meet instantaneously. And so we do – and then complain about how much dating sucks. Why does dating suck? Because you go out with so many creeps. Why do you go out with so many creeps? Because you’re not screening them. Why are you not screening them? Because it takes time and you don’t want to take time – you just want to meet right away and see if there’s chemistry.


So while I am certainly not a fan of dating apps or GPS enabled tools that allow people to meet total strangers quicker, this trend isn’t going anywhere. And if you want to know which apps are best to meet a total stranger for a blind date without having even a conversation first, check out this piece from People magazine on the best phone-based dating apps.

Your thoughts, below, are always appreciated.

dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile