The Two Best Times to Find Love. Or Lust, If That’s Your Thing.

I love it when science confirms things that I’ve already suspected from my own real-life observations.

According to an article on, humans look for sex and love online more often around early summer and the Christmas holidays.

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

Using Google Trends, the researchers studied monthly patterns in search terms people used when looking for sex or romantic partners online. They included terms such as “porn,” “boobs,” “xxx,” “call girl,” “massage parlor,” “eHarmony” and “” They compared the frequency with which people used the titillating terms with that of neutral searches for pets (“dog,” “cat” and “bird”), popular websites (“Facebook” and “ebay”), and car parts (“tires,” “brakes” and “windshield”). Sure enough, people search more in summer and during the winter holidays.

The reason for this trend is debatable, but personally, I don’t think it’s biological. As it suggests at the end of the article, “One possibility is that it’s purely a social construction driven by the fact that in Western cultures, Christmas and summer are the main holiday seasons.”

That’s right. More free time. More searching for love.

When I look back at my girlfriends from my prolific dating career, I met one in February 1999. One in July, 2000. Next was December, 2003. Then July, 2004. Then December, 2005. Then January, 2007. Pretty interesting…


And how did I manage to meet most of these girlfriends? That’s right. Online dating. If you’ve avoided it or tried it without success, do yourself a favor and try it my way. With winter coming up, I predict you’ll find a partner in no time.

Click here to read the article.

So what do you think? Are people more likely to find love during hot summers and cold, lonely winters? Or is this just a coincidence?

dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile