Evan Marc Katz on DatingAdvice.com

Every Thursday, I link to an interesting article I’ve read. Something about gender dynamics, sex, marriage, online dating – usually with a statistical or philosophical bent. The goal, as always, is to keep you informed of the latest science of dating and relationships and to stimulate challenging discussion in the comments section below.

Now, I can’t say whether this piece is based on hard science or whether it’s going to cause you to write an agitated comment below, however, I would very much like you to read it.

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

It’s about me.   🙂

I’ve had my share of press – mostly due to  my first two books – and these days,  I’m always flattered when someone takes  the time to do a thoughtful in-depth interview.

There’s usually something lost in translation when a journalist talks to a subject, but I think  Lauren Keys (the author) and Hayley Matthews (the editor) did a really nice job in capturing how I became a dating coach, my passion for helping women, and (in the embedded  video), a little bit of my personality as well. Watch until the end and you can even see my wife and kids (whom I generally try to keep hidden from public view).

Anyway,  please check out this article on DatingAdvice.com, comment below, and please share it on Facebook or Twitter so that other people can get in on your secret fountain of fun, free, dating and relationship advice here on EvanMarcKatz.com.

Thanks a million,


Your friend,


dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile