Should I Accept It When My Boyfriend Leaves Me Alone At Parties?

It’s not always easy to know what to do when your boyfriend leaves you alone at a party. You may feel like you’re being left out or neglected.

However, you need to keep in mind that:

  • There are reasons why he leaves you alone at parties
  • There are ways to deal with this feeling and make the best of the situation
  • If things don’t get better, it might be time to reconsider the relationship

Read on to know how to handle this situation.


Table of Contents

Is It Okay if My Boyfriend Leaves Me Alone at Parties?
How to Deal With this Situation in Your Relationship
Consider His Intentions Rather Than the Actions Alone
Go With the Flow
Try To Stay Positive

Is It Okay if My Boyfriend Leaves Me Alone at Parties?

There’s no right or wrong answer to this question, but here’s a question from a reader who was facing a similar situation at you:

First things first, thank you for this blog. You have been a life-saver many times in my love life or lack of – I love your insight. Okay, back to me.

I’ve been dating this man for a while now. He is 30, and I am 26. He was quite the party guy before we met. His family has a lot of money, and he has a good job. We have encountered typical issues (nothing unsolvable), and we generally don’t fight. We truly try to communicate and solve them instead of arguing them out.

Anyway, last weekend, I met his whole family at a party at their ranch. It was a little overwhelming at first because there were a lot of them!

After about an hour, his cousins arrived, and all the men went to the bar, did shots, and drank the rest of the night. I sat at one of the tables with his sisters and female cousins. It seemed like the women and men were divided, and everyone accepted it. After a while, his sister-in-law told me that if I saw myself in this family, I better get used to the men leaving the women alone as they drink away.

Now, this shocked me a little because he is always such a great gentleman to me, opening doors for me, holding my hand, etc. I don’t know if this situation is worth dwelling over or bringing up or if I am completely neurotic.

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Our relationship has been great thus far, and I have no major complaints. And after reading your wife’s article, I became more self-aware, from making a big deal about nothing to giving mulligans.

We’ve talked about the future, and although he makes me very happy, I don’t know if being left alone at parties is something I can accept. But, I am also open to considering that I am wrong and should drop it. Any thoughts would be appreciated. 

How to Deal With this Situation in Your Relationship 

I’m glad you brought up the mulligan thing, coined by my then-girlfriend in 2007. Basically, it means that you have to let many little things go within a relationship, especially when they’re not intended to hurt you. 

Giving lots of mulligans to an otherwise great boyfriend is the best way to maintain a partnership — and vice versa. Anyone who has ever been micromanaged and criticized to death can appreciate it when a partner lets something go just to keep the peace.

Anyway, I’m not going to entirely defend the “doing shots with cousins” thing because it’s easy to spin this as rude, disrespectful, and inconsiderate of you as his girlfriend.

But, here are things to consider before making any rash decisions:

Consider His Intentions Rather Than the Actions Alone

Should he be more attentive to you? Probably.

But it’s important to consider a man’s intentions — not merely his actions — don’t you think?

If he’s thoughtful, generous, attentive, and chivalrous 99% of the time but checks out at his once-a-year family reunion, is this worth breaking up your entire relationship?

If his cousins drink shots, their dads drink shots, and their granddads drink shots, he’d be hard-pressed to tell his male relatives that he would excuse himself to sit next to you while you chat about the Real Housewives with his sister-in-law.

Once again, I’m not suggesting that it’s ideal, nor am I encouraging him to ditch you. I’m only telling you something you already know: his family dynamic has existed for WAY longer than your relationship.

His family dynamic has existed for WAY longer than your relationship.

As always, we have two choices: try to change the world or try to change ourselves.

Go With the Flow

When I visit my wife’s family, they have the same dynamic for every party — it involves a lot more booze than food, a lot more unhealthy food than healthy food, and a lot more waiting around than provocative conversation. 

Am I sometimes frustrated that I can only get cheese and crackers, beer, and recaps of that week’s Saturday Night Live episode? Yeah, sure. But it’s not MY party. 


At my parties, we serve four courses, sit at the table, and talk about relationships, politics, and child-raising. 

That’s the dynamic I want. 

I don’t get to determine what my wife’s family does when I visit for Thanksgiving, Christmas and various birthdays.

That’s the dynamic I want. I don’t get to determine what my wife’s family does when I visit for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and various birthdays.

So what do I do? I go with the flow. I grin and bear it.

I remember that these are nice people, warm people, generous people, and family members — and that although we have different ways of socializing, it’s not my place to impose my values on them.

If you had to be abandoned by your shot-doing husband every Friday, I might consider a serious conversation or even a breakup if it was that bad. But just because he doesn’t see the need to babysit you at a family function, I wouldn’t make that big a deal about it, especially if he’s great the rest of the time.

Try To Stay Positive

Finally, if you took offense to that babysitting comment, I can’t tell you the number of women who have said they prefer “men who don’t need to be babysat” at a party. 

I can’t tell you the number of women who prefer “men who don’t need to be babysat” at a party.

If you’re secure and you have a personality, you should largely be able to fend for yourself at a family function. If you’re insecure, you’ll get upset if he talks to his family 50% of the time instead of spending 100% of it holding your hand. 

In other words, one can never win when dating an insecure person — male or female. Be the bigger person.

Make the best of it. Or hell, have shots with the boys. Sounds like more fun to me.

dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile