You Asked For It, You Got It! New Pricing Option Available for Love U!

Friday I shared a video answering your most common questions you have about Love U. But you’re still on the fence.

You’re busy. You’re tired. You can’t afford it. You don’t know if it will work.

Let’s cut through the bullshit, shall we? 🙂

You want to find love.

I help women find love.

You want to understand men.

I’m a man who specializes in helping women to understand men.

You’re busy.

I’m asking you for five minutes a day to participate in Love U.

You’re skeptical.

I’m offering you a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee.

You can’t afford it.

It’s the cost of a Starbucks each day.

You’re not sure it’s worth it.

If I said you could write a check for less than $1000 that would get you happily married and bring you years of unparalleled joy, are you telling me you wouldn’t write it?

Ready for Lasting Love?
Ready for Lasting Love?

Listen, you can come up with any excuse under the sun — and swear that they’re real.

I’m in no position to argue.

But we both know better.

I’ve spoken to women on the phone who are sad, frustrated, lonely, miserable — annoyed with online dating, fed up with men, burned out on crappy relationships with emotionally unavailable men.

They don’t want to be alone.

They deeply crave having a partner who makes them feel safe, heard and understood.

They turn to me. I tell them what I cost. Here’s what they say – verbatim:

  • “I have to fix my roof.”
  • “I’m saving for my 401K.”
  • “I’m redoing my kitchen.”
  • “I’m going on a vacation in a few months.”
  • “I was planning on buying a new car this spring.”

This isn’t about whether they can afford Love U. This is about whether they’ll ever prioritize love, do something different, and get happy.

So if you want it all…

The feeling of getting breakfast in bed on your birthday…

The stroke of a hand through your hair when you kiss…

The security of a man who can lift you up financially…

The joy of his knowing look from across a crowded room…

The peace of mind of having an unwavering commitment…

And if the only thing holding you back is money…

Here’s what I’m going to do:

I’m going to cut your monthly investment in Love U by 50%.

Yesterday, Love U was $149/month for 6 months.

Today, because I want to make this accessible to as many women as possible, Love U will be only $79/month for 12 months.

This 50% off payment plan is only good for today, so act now.

My coaching has worked for thousands of other women and it’s going to work for you, too.

In the next six months, you’ll master all aspects of love: confidence, meeting men, dating, understanding men, relationships and commitment.

By the time you graduate Love U, you’ll be able to create the love you’ve always dreamed about.

But you have to register now, because here’s what happens at midnight:

This special price of $79/month for 12 months will be gone.

The next time you see Love U on my site, it will be $149/mo.

In other words, if you want help creating love fast (and inexpensively), this is your best chance.


Join over 500 other smart, strong, successful women who already took the plunge.

Tonight only, it costs $2.60/day to learn everything you need to understand men and find love in only 5 minutes per day.

Happy marriages don’t just “happen” spontaneously.

You have to do something different.

I’ve tried to make it as easy as possible for you.

The next step is yours.

Click here to get that easy, happy, passionate relationship that makes you feel like the best version of yourself every day: beautiful, confident, cherished and safe.
You’ve got till the end of the night before it all goes away…

Warmest wishes and much love,

Your friend,


P.S. Elizabeth joined my $497/month program back in 2014. Now she’s married, and I’m offering MORE value for a lot LESS money — only $79/month for 12 months – until midnight tonight.

I so enjoyed participating in your Inner Circle program three years ago. Even at the time, I recognized I was learning a lot, and more importantly, gaining a new perspective on how to approach dating again after my 15-year marriage ended. I had to kiss a few more frogs that year, but don’t worry – there is a happy ending to this story!

Almost exactly two years later, I met a wonderful guy on Match by following what I learned in your programs. He pursued me from the start, has always treated me wonderfully, and very quickly he became my best friend and the love of my life. And almost exactly three years later, I am writing to say that we are married. I have others to thank, of course, including good friends who gave good advice. But Evan, I really feel you deserve the largest share of the thanks for creating and maintaining a truly wonderful program that helps us get out of our own way so we can actually enjoy dating and relationships again. I especially appreciate how you have made your materials accessible to people from all walks of life so there’s something available for everyone who is open to learning.

So now I finally understand what you have said about how worthwhile it is to keep trying and never give up on finding love. If this 50 year-old divorced woman can do it (and I know you work with people of all ages) then pretty much anyone else can do it too, if she sets her mind to it.

Anyway, I hope this email reaches you, with my sincere thanks and best wishes for health and happiness to you and your lovely family,


You heard the woman. “Anyone can do it if she sets her mind to it.”

There are no more excuses.

There is only this moment — and your one-way ticket to lasting love.

I can’t wait to hear YOUR love story when you’ve found your one and only.

dating coach Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt showing his charming bright smile