“If you’re ready to create the love life you’ve always dreamed of, the answer is on this page. Give me just a few minutes, and the frustration and doubt you feel about dating could disappear forever.”
Thanks so much for visiting my website. I know your time is valuable, and I know there’s a lot written on this page, so if you already know you want to reserve one of the 16 seats in the Inner Circle then just click below, but first take a look at a couple of emails from happy clients I received recently:
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From: Evan Marc Katz
Los Angeles, CA
Dear Friend,
On this page, I’ll reveal the ONE secret of how to meet, attract, and keep the man of your dreams.
This secret could transform your love life forever, and I can’t wait to share it with you…
But before I do that, let me tell you a quick story about Rebecca.
Rebecca is 39, a successful entrepreneur, intelligent, attractive, curious, a great conversationalist, and…
Here’s Rebecca explaining her situation in her own words…
“According to those who know me best, I am attractive, fit, loving, smart, and kind. I put myself through school, manage billions of dollars, and can run circles around most of the people I meet. I am the kind of woman mothers love and approve of, and, for the life of me, I cannot figure out why I am still single.
There is nothing more secretly and deeply confusing than to know how smart you are and to not get why you are single. Not to be able to solve this mystery, this conundrum. Worse, you only seem to attract the wrong guys. This is the struggle we face as smart women.
Occasionally “the guy of your dreams” comes your way. He seems different, and talks a good game — a game which later, you realize, as a smart woman, you shouldn’t have fallen for. But you’re hopeful that when people said you deserved great things in life, and deserved love, that they meant it. Because right now, it sounds like just a line…
You believe you’re great. He said you were great. But the phone doesn’t ring and the years continue to pass. You start to question your own sense of yourself. Maybe a coach? Maybe more hobbies? Or maybe you should just stay home and try to embrace the single life.
At some point, you have to have a talk with yourself about how maybe it won’t happen. Maybe no one will love you. Maybe you’ll always be resigned to doing things alone, on your own, forever.”
You see, if you’re reading this, I already know you’ve got these amazing qualities going for you:
And that’s the key phrase here, isn’t it?
A “worthwhile man.”
You don’t want just ANY man.
You want a man who embodies all the qualities you have desired since you were a little girl: successful, handsome, charismatic, generous, kind, and smart…
But you also desire a man who is grounded, authentic and genuine.
A man who is in control without being pushy, a man who makes you feel safe, and man whose masculinity makes you feel deliciously feminine…
You’ve wasted your time with losers and players in the past, and you don’t want to get hurt again.
So you won’t tolerate needy, insecure, and mediocre men.
You will not settle, you will not compromise.
And why should you?
You’re a catch – and the right man will recognize that.
But that leads us back to the question…
Why are you still single?
There are billions of men in the world, and even though it may sometimes seem like it, not all of us are players, liars, losers, and wimps.
There are tons of men – of character and quality – who would make great partners.
I know, I know. Where the hell are they hiding?
And why is it that the good men you DO meet don’t seem to stick around?
Well, guess what…
It’s a secret that’s so simple, yet so powerful, that you may even scoff when you first read it.
But don’t take it lightly!
Most women grasp this secret on a surface-level (in fact, you’ve likely heard me say it before), but you may not have taken the time to truly understand it.
And as a result, you probably have felt moments of hopelessness about ever finding love.
However, the few women who “get it” are the ones who attract and keep the best men.
And if you’re ready, I’ll reveal this secret now…
This one sentence is so important that I’ll repeat it:
It’s how you make a man FEEL that determines if he wants to see you again!!!
It’s not your looks, money, success, independence, strength, and all the other qualities that you think make you so special.
Sure, those are all desirable traits that put you in an elite category of women.
And a worthy man respects those qualities in you.
However, if you want this man to both respect you AND stick around, then here’s the undiluted truth from a MAN’s perspective:
Deep down, every man wants…
If you can be that woman, and make a man feel good, you will literally have your pick of qualified men!
If you can’t be that for him, he’ll turn elsewhere for the affirmation he craves.
It’s that simple.
But here’s the interesting part…
That’s why attracting and keeping the right man has nothing to do with “changing” yourself.
It’s not about being “untrue” to yourself, being “fake,” or “dumbing yourself down” to get a man.
Far from it, in fact.
This is about understanding how men are hardwired so you can get them to WANT to commit to you!
This is about tweaking his lens so that he sees you for the irresistible, magnetic, and authentic you.
This is about speaking to him in his language so he FINALLY understands what YOU want out of your relationship.
Believe me: we need all the help we can get!
Imagine you are dating two men, equally handsome, equally intelligent, and both looking to settle down.
However, one refuses to understand your desires and needs, believing that the “right woman” should understand him for who he is.
Now, compare this to the man who has done a little work to make sure he’s clearly communicating his interest in a woman.
He’s confident. He calls. He pays. He follows through. He understands your desire for both passion and long-term commitment.
This man’s not degrading himself, or being less of a man by learning out how to speak to your heart, is he?
He just wants to make sure that the high profile woman he’s dating (YOU) is TOTALLY aware that he’s interested!
Now tell me, which one of these two men do you feel safer with? Which of these two men reveals himself to be a man who is a strong bet for a long-term relationship?
Remember, they’re both physically attractive, intelligent, and want to settle down with you. One is just communicating his desire in a way YOU understand!
I think the message is clear:
Whether we say it or not, men also wish that we were understood.
We wish that you lived by the concept of making us feel good because that’s the behavior that brings out the BEST in us.
Witness the women who DO understand this – including women who are not as pretty as you, not as intelligent as you, and not as impressive as you — THEY are the ones who GET the loving, long-term relationships with attractive, happy, successful men!
If this concept is an eye-opener, I’ve got some good news for you…
Right now, you are actually FAR ahead of the game.
You are one of the few women who know THE secret to attracting and keeping a quality man.
But of course there’s more to it than just making a man feel good.
In fact, there is a critical missing element you need in order to attract and keep the man of your dreams:
Sounds obvious, but look at it this way:
Let’s say you had a treasure map that led to unimaginable wealth, but you didn’t take action on it.
What good is that treasure map to you now?
Same goes for the secret I just revealed to you about making men feel good.
Understanding the male perspective is like having a treasure map; it doesn’t make a difference if you don’t take ACTION and USE the map!
So if you’re ready to take some action, then let me introduce you to…
Over 8 years, I’ve coached thousands of women into effectively understanding men.
I’ve been particularly successful in helping smart, strong, successful women like you finally discover the love that has eluded you for so long.
So I know a thing or two about teaching effective strategies for successful relationships.
And from years of experience, I know that there are 2 major components — that when combined – will literally shave YEARS off your learning curve, and will help you create the love life that you desire: Personal Coaching and Peer Group Support.
It’s these 2 components that make up my Inner Circle.
3 reasons why the right coach can create breakthrough results in your love life…
When golfing sensation Michelle Wie needs help with her swing, she turns to her coach David Leadbetter.
Legendary fashion designer Donna Karan points to motivational/peak performance coach Tony Robbins as an instrumental part of her clothing empire.
Academy Award winning actress Hilary Swank attributes much of her success to acting coach Larry Moss.
The point is that the right coach in your life can help you achieve your goals, much quicker and easier. This is especially true for your love life.
Here’s why:
Accountability: When you have someone holding you accountable to your daily routine (and you’ve invested your hard-earned money in that person), your results are immediate and obvious. Having a coach who watches over you is guaranteed to generate better results than anything you do on your own.
Questioned and Challenged: Your coach is objective and forces you to uproot the behaviors that are not serving you well. You can count on me to serve as your confidant and sounding board, and moreover, to tell you what you NEED to hear, not just what you WANT to hear.
Being Motivated: If you want lasting change, you must prepare for the ups and downs that come with the dating process. Having a coach who has successfully guided thousands of women to love, who will push you through the rough patches, and who will be a source of strength when you are down on the entire process — is invaluable to shaping your ideal love life.
If there was a “secret sauce” to the Inner Circle, this would be it!
Because you don’t learn by talking. You learn by listening.
Your peer group is made up of a small number of women who are committed to helping their fellow members achieve their relationship goals.
And in the Inner Circle, you’re getting a one-of-a-kind peer group who is going through the same dating struggles as you.
Good luck finding a savvier bunch of singles anywhere on earth.
Being part of a group that’s dealing with the SAME EXACT relationship issues as you is an incredible opportunity to absorb how others’ experiences apply to your life.
Separately, personal coaching and the group dynamic are extremely powerful.
But when I added them together in my women’s group, the results were EXPLOSIVE!
How do I know?
Take a look at just a few of the ecstatic testimonials from my clients below
Remember, these are success stories from women just like you, who simply needed a little nudge in the right direction to discover love and happiness!
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I don’t call this knowledge a “treasure map” for nothing.
Like any map, when you follow the steps, you are led to where you want to go.
In this case, to the love life you’ve always dreamed of!
And the Inner Circle is the key you’ve been searching for.
In the Inner Circle, a small group of women gather each week to share their stories, gain new insights and put them into practice instantly.
The group dynamic is essential, because it makes these hard lessons STICK.
Plus, in group coaching, the lessons are personalized to YOU.
This isn’t a program where a box of material arrives on your doorstep and you never hear from the instructor again.
No, the Inner Circle is a hands-on, live, interactive program that will create real breakthroughs in your love life!
The Inner Circle will have FAR more impact than reading an e-book or listening to an audio program, because you’ll get real-time feedback from a group of intelligent, like-minded women who want to see YOU succeed!
Having me and a group of women looking over you keeps you on track, so you can’t do anything other than make the right dating decisions every time.
It’s almost like being on the railroad tracks to dating success… it’s nearly impossible to get off course!
And since the Inner Circle combines the best elements of private coaching and group dynamics, you are almost “forced” to succeed!
This component reinforces core coaching principles, increases your understanding of men and helps you make healthier dating decisions. These bi-weekly calls take place on Wednesday nights at 5pm PST (8pm EST), and are recorded and emailed to you so you can listen to your insights again and again.
During a three-hour block of time each month, I’ll be keeping my phone open to take your most urgent personal questions. These calls take place one day per month from 10am-1pm PST (1-4pm EST).
This is a friend with whom I will pair you to assist each other during weeks where no calls are scheduled. You are encouraged to talk to your partner on the Wednesday nights when we don’t have class. She will be your friend who will support you and share in your journey, and you will do the same for her.
Because you’re changing a lifetime of dating behavior, the more you will benefit from your immersion in my community. To that end, I’ve created a site that will allow you greater opportunities ask me questions, more support from the other women in the Inner Circle, and a place to keep track of your progress before you graduate from my Inner Circle with a relationship.
The more you make dating a part of your daily practice, the quicker you see results. Again, there’s a huge difference between reading about something and actually living it. Through the Inner Circle, you’ll be challenged to actually apply my proven dating strategies into your daily life!
But this is just what’s on my mind.
In the Inner Circle, we discuss what’s on YOUR mind – giving you the power, control and clarity you need to find a new relationship path.
The time investment for the Inner Circle group calls is just 1 hour every other week!
One hour! Every. Other. Week.
Is that too much time to invest in achieving the most important goal in your life?
I sure hope not.
You probably spend that same time each week brushing your teeth, walking your dog, or on hold with customer service!
If you don’t improve at dancing or skiing or cooking without consistent practice, how could you expect to improve in dating and relationships?
Give your love life the same focus as you give to your TV set and watch your relationships blossom.
And, yes, it really is that simple.
Practice breeds consistency.
Consistency breeds success.
Success breeds confidence.
And when you’re at your most confident, you’ve become the woman that no man can resist.
There’s absolutely no reason why you can’t find the love of your life by yourself. People do it everyday.
If you are one of the rare women who can stick to diets and workout plans — despite how busy life can get, then you can probably do this as well.
But here’s the reality.
With a full-time job, personal interests, and family obligations, I’m sure your life is already hectic.
Which is why it’s hard to get to the gym after work.
And it’s hard to see a doctor during office hours.
And it’s hard to squeeze in a good book at night.
But the fact is — people work out, get medical attention, and read if it’s IMPORTANT enough to them.
Which is why I’m asking you to ask yourself, once and for all, “Is my love life truly IMPORTANT to me,” or am I just SAYING it’s important to me?
If it’s truly important, you can give me one hour, and I can show you a clearer path to love.
Sure, you CAN go about it alone, but then you won’t be able to tap into the power of a Peer Group, or get my Personal Coaching.
Why take the long, difficult path when the trail has already been blazed for you?
Great question.
In response, let me ask one of my own.
How much is finding the love of your life worth to you?
Check around and you’ll see that matchmakers routinely charge from $5000-$50,000 for ten blind dates.
So what’s a fair price for coaching that provides this level of relationship support?
Coaching that answers your every dating dilemma?
Coaching that empowers you to consistently create your own happiness?
Coaching that gives you a MAN’S perspective on your behaviors and beliefs.
If you don’t know the answer, then ask yourself these three questions:
Remember, I charge $7,775 for my twelve-week Commitment Course and I am booked solid for four hours every day.
Why? Because relatively speaking, this a small price to pay for love and happiness!
Now I want to give the gift of love, confidence, and peace-of-mind to just a few, smart, fast-acting women.
So as the only other way to access my personal coaching and proven system for relationships, I’m offering you membership in my Inner Circle for only $497 a month.
Thus, the real question isn’t whether you can afford to be in my Inner Circle; it’s whether you can afford NOT to be in it.
The fact is, nobody ever lay on her deathbed, thinking, “I really wish I’d spent more of my life working and doing things alone.”
Life IS love.
What are you doing to make it happen?
Finally, you’ll understand what’s been getting in your way these many years, and how close you already are to being the woman of an incredible man’s dreams.
With the information and insights you’ll learn in my e-Book, “Why He Disappeared,” you’ll be able to completely change your experience with men and dating.
You’ll know how to effortlessly move a man toward a more secure and stable relationship.
You’ll feel better, date smarter, and experience the kind of confidence and happiness you’ve always dreamed of.
This is the most complete and comprehensive online dating package ever.
Every single insight I use to help men and women find love is in there, and guaranteed to change the way you view the world forever.
Here are a few of the easy techniques you will learn to give you a new lease on love:
Yet you know that you’ve never been happier than when you were in love. You remember the joy, the excitement, and the connection of your best relationships. No matter how much failure you’ve had in romance, you still dream of having the whole enchilada — passion, comfort, laughter, friendship, compatibility, and commitment.
Yes, you still want it all. You just don’t want to risk getting hurt again.
That’s why I wrote “Believe in Love.” Because while dating can take a toll on your emotions, it is ALWAYS worth it to keep going. In this inspirational, must-have book and workbook, I walk you through an easy, 7-step process gives you all the tools you need to date with confidence and optimism, and attract the man of your dreams.
In the past, I’ve covered Being a Great Girlfriend, Commitment, Meeting Men In Real Life, Overcoming Negativity, and much, much more.
With your Inner Circle membership, you’ll receive these benefits from FOCUS Coaching:
And much, much more!
You get ALL THREE of these incredible bonuses as my gifts to you for TAKING ACTION QUICKLY, and signing up for the Inner Circle today.
My Inner Circle is for you if you want a relationship, and you’re willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.
Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result.
And I know how difficult it is to escape your old patterns and programming.
Sometimes you don’t even know they’re there!
But I know you want to make real changes in your love life.
And that’s why I want to remind you that the power to change is in right in front of you.
You can choose to stop your current frustrations with dating, and create a new, happier reality.
The choice is yours.
If you’re ready to end the frustration, anxiety, and worry of the dating process — and finally want to get on the fast track to love, then my Inner Circle is for YOU…
The Inner Circle is a community of intelligent, successful, relationship-oriented dynamos who know that nothing is more important than finding love.
And it’s these types of women who find success in the program. I’m looking for ONLY smart, strong, dedicated women who are open and willing to change.
However the Inner Circle…
The Inner Circle is for you if you want a relationship, and you’re willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.
This means being accountable!
The reason I stress this accountability is because you’re not just working one-on-one with me; you’re working with other smart, well-intentioned women.
And since your Inner Circle partner is paying $497/month to jumpstart her love life and find support in this supremely important area, you can’t let her down.
That’s why I only want you to join the program if you are able to commit to being an active member of the group for a minimum of 4 months.
As an elite member of the Inner Circle you get:
Plus these 4 incredible Fast Action Bonuses — ABSOLUTELY FREE!
But the best part about joining the Inner Circle is the RESULTS.
Do you remember Rebecca’s story from the top of the page? Her palpable frustration, her sadness, and her resignation to the possibility that she might be alone forever? Well…
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You, too, can be a success story like Rebecca. All you need is the right advice and support that only my Inner Circle can provide. And right now, you can be a part of it for just…
To reserve your spot now, click below to sign up (pending availability). If the group is sold out, please put your name on my waiting list and I will let you know in coming months if a slot opens up.
Remember, there are only 16 spots in the Inner Circle — probably less by the time you read these words.
If you hesitate in claiming your spot, you could be waiting another 4 months, 8 months, maybe even a year before another spot opens up.
By that time, as life gets in the way, and as the memories of this letter fade away, will you be right back where you started?
Frustrated? Disenchanted? Alone?
Or will you take action NOW?
Will you push out of your comfort zone for a short time, so you can spend a lifetime with the man of your dreams?
The choice is yours. Make it a wise one.
But whatever you do, I wish you nothing but the best in life and love.
Warmest wishes and much love,
Your friend,
P.S. – Remember, there are only 16 spots at a time in my Inner Circle. I do this to ensure a small-group experience with lots of personal attention for you. The Inner Circle is your ticket to love and happiness. Don’t believe me? Look again at the comments from some of my ecstatic clients! I can’t wait to hear YOUR success story!
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