Effortlessly Attract the Man of Your Dreams and Create a Lasting Relationship That Makes You Feel Safe, Heard & Understood

Effortlessly Attractthe Man of Your Dreams and Create a Lasting Relationship That Makes You Feel Safe, Heard & Understood

Evan Marc Katz wearing a purple t-shirt

Love U is the world’s most effective program in helping you regain your confidence, fix your broken man-picker, and get the unconditional love you deserve. It’s not just a coaching course but a community of inspiring women who are taking control of their destinies, rewriting their love stories, and living happily ever after.

dating coach Evan Marc Katz smiling wearing a purple t-shirt
dating coach Evan Marc Katz on New York Times, Today, Time, CNN, USA Today, WSJ, Tyra







Right now,take a moment and ask yourself, if…

Over the years, you’ve probably developed a bad relationship with relationships. And it’s easy to see how.

If every promising relationship ultimately failed to last, it’s easy to conclude that nothing works and that you should stop dating entirely.

Don't give up!

Thousands of women like you have overcome self-doubt, gained confidence in their ability to attract and choose quality men, and found lasting love… and you can be next!

Isn’t it time you wrote a new script for your life? Isn’t it time you finally found the loving, committed relationship you deserve?

If you’re searching for a way to meet a loving partner who always makes you feel safe, heard, and understood…

You’re in the Perfect place!


Love U is your personal GPS that shows you the clearest path to a committed relationship. Just follow the directions and set your course to your final destination: real, powerful, and lasting love.

We are a unique community of smart, successful women who support each other in an open, accepting, and friendly environment.

Here’s what you get when you join the Love U Community

Love U logo by dating coach Evan Marc Katz

Access to All My Digital Programs

When you join Love U, you’ll be able to access all of our videos, audios, and transcripts designed to teach you about confidence, meeting men, dating, understanding men, relationships, and commitment. At any point, you can go back and get answers to the most common dating and relationship questions. In addition, you’ll get access to all of my digital programs: Why He Disappeared, Believe in Love, Finding the One Online, FOCUS Coaching, and 26 recorded group coaching sessions that correspond with each week in Love U.


Entry Into my Private Love U Facebook Community

Be prepared to be welcomed into the most unique, exclusive coaching community on the planet. Every day, you’ll be able to talk with me and other like-minded, vibrant women on Facebook (including over 100 married Love U graduates) who will personally hold your hand and help you make smarter choices with men.

Focus coaching by dating coach Evan Marc Katz

A Massive Library of Videos, Audios & Transcripts

Love U teaches you to find a husband with just a half-hour of video lessons per week. As a Love U member, you have access to a treasure trove of online resources that walks you through best practices for smart women who want to attract men who are their equals for a lifetime of love and connection.

Love U Digital weekly exercise forms

Weekly Exercises to Help Further Your Progress

After you complete your weekly videos, you can download weekly exercises that will help you put this knowledge into real-life practice. These are some of the intimate, little-known strategies the most desirable women use to find an attractive, loving, commitment-oriented partner.

A group of Love U women smiling at the camera.

Live Dating & Relationship Coaching

Along with the online content, community and all the other amazing benefits of Love U, you’re going to get a monthly live Q&A session with me, Evan Marc Katz, where I’ll personally answer your dating and relationship questions on a private Zoom call.

The most valuable aspect of Love U isn’t my expert coaching, the one-of-a-kind dating strategies, or the tips to help you gain more confidence with men.

What makes Love U so special are the people you share it with.

I’ve created a living, breathing community of empowered women who are tired of being alone, sick of wasting years on the wrong men, and actively making massive improvements to their man-selection process.

And I want to see you do the same!

If you’re afraid of breaking up with a man who is a decent boyfriend but unable or unwilling to be a good husband, the women of Love U and I will give you the strength to make the right decision.

If you’re convinced that online dating won’t work for you, we’ll give you practical tips and encouragement on exactly how to navigate it.

If you don’t know what to send in that next text, you can share a screenshot in the community and we’ll tell you how to respond with warmth and confidence.

If you’re feeling low and losing faith in yourself, we’ll lift you up and carry you forward when you need it most.

If you’re scared of being vulnerable, opening up, and letting a man into your heart, we’ll show you how rich the rewards of love can be.

If you don’t trust your judgment and don’t know how to communicate with your boyfriend, we’ll tell you exactly what to say in all situations.

Whatever you need, whatever you’re feeling, we’ll be by your side!

The most valuable aspect of Love U isn’t my expert coaching, the one-of-a-kind dating strategies, or the tips to help you gain more confidence with men.

What makes Love U so special are the people you share it with.

I’ve created a living, breathing community of empowered women who are tired of being alone, sick of wasting years on the wrong men, and actively making massive improvements to their man-selection process.

And I want to see you do the same!

If you’re afraid of breaking up with a man who is a decent boyfriend but unable or unwilling to be a good husband, the women of Love U and I will give you the strength to make the right decision.

If you’re convinced that online dating won’t work for you, we’ll give you practical tips and encouragement on exactly how to navigate it.

If you don’t know what to send in that next text, you can share a screenshot in the community and we’ll tell you how to respond with warmth and confidence.

If you’re feeling low and losing faith in yourself, we’ll lift you up and carry you forward when you need it most.

If you’re scared of being vulnerable, opening up, and letting a man into your heart, we’ll show you how rich the rewards of love can be.

If you don’t trust your judgment and don’t know how to communicate with your boyfriend, we’ll tell you exactly what to say in all situations.

Whatever you need, whatever you’re feeling, we’ll be by your side!

A group of woman from Love U sitting on a couch while listening.

Every member of the Love U community is in your corner - so much so that our students remain friends for life, even if they’re separated by states, borders, oceans, and thousands of miles!

Love U community smart strong successful woman
smart strong successful woman smiling to the camera
A beautiful woman smiling at the camera
A smart, beautiful woman smiling back at the camera
A beautiful woman with short blonde hair smiling at the camera
Love U woman smiling with a short black curly hair wearing a black jacket
A smart, strong, successful independent Love U woman
smart strong successful woman smiling

Which is to say that, no matter how convinced you are that nothing will ever work for you, the truth is:

You can’t fail here!

So, What Is Lasting LoveWorthto You?

Economists David Blanchflower and Andrew Oswald surveyed 100,000 people and concluded that marriage was worth $100,000 annually. Stay married for the next 35 years and you’re looking at $3,500,000 worth of happiness just by choosing the right partner.

I know, three and a half million seems like a ridiculous amount. But there’s a reason you’ve heard “you can’t put a price on happiness.” What would it be worth to have a man who supported you, believed in you, and loved you for the rest of your life?

Well, you can pay a matchmaker $50,000 to introduce you to 10 men.

You can pay tens of thousands more for cosmetic surgery and wellness retreats.

But, because my goal is to help make this EASY, you can join my Love U Community for only:

$197/month for six months

That’s a limited-time offer for our first 50 founding members, and then the price will be raised to $297/month. 

If you truly want to get the best deal, you can get your first six months in the Love U Community for one easy payment of $997, which saves another $200. 

Gaining confidence, getting support from other smart women, and attracting high-quality, men has never been easier or more affordable. 

No more podcasts. No more therapy. No more wasting your time on the wrong men.

Here’s Everything You’ll Receive When You Join the Love U Community


YOUR PRICE: $197/mo for 6 months

All of this is included in your Love U membership, giving you the tools, clarity, and confidence to transform your love life and attract the relationship you deserve.

Love u success story of older happy couple
Love U success story of a happy couple taking a selfie together
Love u success story of a newly wed couple looking into each other's eyes
Love u success story of happy couple attending an event
Love U successful love story of cheerful married couple smiling to the camera with their daughter
Love u success story of a newly engaged couple smiling lovingly
Love U success story of a happy couple
Love U success story a happy older couple smiling to the camera
Love u success story of a newly wed couple

Finding peace and joy in your love life is a truly incredible feeling.

Whether you’re looking for confidence, dating tips, relationship skills, the ability to identify good men, or the capacity to maintain a healthy long-term commitment, the Love U Community will get you there.

Hear from just some of the Womenwho have found the relationship of their dreams through Love U

Love U success story of happily married couple gazing at each other while dancing waltz


"For any woman who wants a real and meaningful relationship but continues coming up short, you are the man for the job."

I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to tell you this, but … I’m married! Needless to say, this is a dream come true for me. I am so happy, because I feel safe and secure with a man who is devoted to me. He is everything I was looking for – although it took you to make me realize that. Of all the thank-you notes I have written, yours is the most important to me – because there is no way I would be a happily married woman today without you.

groom giving her bride a kiss on the forehead - love u success story


"Right now, I’m on my honeymoon in the Maldives with the man of my dreams, thanks to your work."

Hi Evan. I am writing to give you yet another success story from your coaching. I started reading your blog back in 2010, and followed your advice religiously. It took a while (like 2 years!) but I finally started applying your advice to my dating life. I knew it was working when I was dating a guy who other women were chasing, yet he was pressing me for commitment. I didn't think he was the one so I cut bait, but it was so EMPOWERING to be the one who made that choice vs the other way around.

Love U success story of a strong smart successful woman wearing a white dress with her husband


"Blake are now engaged! Thanks for all your help and support in finding myself, and because of that, him."

I signed up for Love U in a moment of sheer desperation — being tired of being single, being tired of knowing I was doing something wrong and no one to tell me what it is. You always did tell it like it is. I have to say thank you for believing in me, and giving me confidence I didn’t know I had. Thank you for seeing that there was something to be seen in me, that I didn’t even know existed.

How bad did the doormat thing get? So bad. I was living under his roof, and made every meal. Never repeated a menu item in the 6 weeks we lived together, which was after a year of being together. A year where he was still free to meet other women. 6 weeks of living together where sometimes he didn’t come home. “Gone to Vienna, be back later” And sometimes I could sleep in his bed and sometimes I couldn’t. That wasn’t even the end of it, but those were things I did and totally thought were ok at the time. That is lower than low.

Love U love story of happy bride wearing a beautiful white gown with her handsome groom


We’re engaged! Mark proposed on Saturday night. It was magical. I want you to know that I am marrying the “right” man. I had so many men I thought I wanted to marry and they were the wrong men. I have the most wonderful, adoring, lovely Mark.

Love U love story of older smiling couple wearing purple clothes


"This week, I got a proposal and a beautiful ring - we'll get married later next year."

“A few years ago, when I was first introduced to Evan, I was feeling increasingly frustrated with my dating life. After divorcing an emotionally unavailable man after 23 years of marriage I had two difficult, long term relationships with men who were not stepping up and I had gotten used to being treated badly.

I’d had some difficult family situations to deal with as a single mother of three twenty somethings and Evan provided me with my first ‘Aha’ moment which was when he told me ‘You’ve been a great mother to your children, and a good daughter to your elderly mother but who’s been there for you Christine?’ This actually made me cry – I had been the ‘go to’ person for my children and the men I was dating were narcissists who had me hooked but were not good men.

Love U love story of happy couple walking down the aisle with wedding guests applauding


"I followed your advice to a T, started online dating diligently, and met my husband after only meeting 4 guys online."

I'm a happily married woman that found my husband applying all your advice and tips. Five years ago, I was so frustrated with love and dating, I started reading your blog in hopes of learning something about men. Boy, did I learn something! I went ahead and bought your book "Why He Disappeared" and read every single one of your emails. I also read your blog diligently looking for answers and insight.

Love U success story of a newly married couple kissing


"I'm in an amazing marriage with a really wonderful man. Easily the best and most healthy relationship of my life. And I'm happy. Really happy."

I joined Love U for two reasons. One, I had ended up on Evan's email list and several of his emails literally seemed like they were talking directly to me. I always thought I was good at dating, because I could get dates. But if dating were baseball, I'm the girl that always got base hits and got tagged out before she got an actual run. The second reason I joined is because I've had huge success with fitness coaching, life coaching, why wouldn't I do relationship coaching? Bad relationship choices have cost me a lot more personally and sometimes financially than I'll ever spend on coaching

I didn't really even know what I didn't know when it came to dating. I knew that doing the same things I was doing would get me the same results, and I certainly wasn't happy with those. I wanted to know what I was doing that wasn't effective and what things I could change to be more successful. I didn't want just ANY relationship. I wanted a really good one.

Love U success story of newly married couple sitting down whild holding each other's hands


"Love U is the BEST purchase I’ve ever made!"

started the Love U program at age 36. I felt good about what I had to offer a guy (fun, loving, great community, stable job) but I couldn’t seem to make a relationship go the distance. I was really really down about this, but listening to Evan’s first two weeks of videos really helped to change my mindset. Specifically, he made the case that there are always people looking for love, which gave me hope.

Since then, I can say that Love U is the BEST purchase I’ve ever made! I met my husband at the end of December while visiting my family for Christmas and Evan’s coaching helped me create an amazing relationship. The relationship was long distance for the first 9 months (me in SF, he in the Midwest) and during this time I learned how to be the cool girl with boundaries, how to let my partner know how to please me, to assume positive intent, and to give all trust or no trust. There were many more lessons I learned, but if I hadn’t learned these and done the hard work to put them in to practice, I am sure I wouldn’t be where I am today in my relationship...

Love U success story of newly engaged couple taking a selfie


"You have to be bold because nothing in life worth having isn’t without some measure of risk."

For various reasons that I don’t want to get into, though not for lack of opportunity, I was a virgin at 34 when I joined Love U. A very successful one who had gone out on some dates but not ever taking it that seriously, and never truly having found that one guy that I really wanted to be with. I decided that I could either spend the rest of my life alone, or apply that logic and determination that I have so well in my professional life and try to find love. A lot of my friends were like, why don’t you just lose your virginity and get it over with so you can date more, it’s not that big a deal. But it was a big deal to me. I had waited this long and I wanted to find that special guy, the one who would love, cherish, respect, and commit to me, who was my match on every level, who would appreciate the gift that I was giving him and understand me for who I am. That was the one I was going to give myself to and it would be all of me. He would fall in love with me, commit to me, and we would be working towards marriage and a future together.

Now as most of you probably realize, this is rather a monumental task to achieve when you are a 34-year-old virgin dating in this fast-paced, sex on the second date, online world. Take everything that you are supposed to do - flirt but not be too sexy, be feminine but still maintain your boundaries, let him lead but know when to set him up for success, lead him around the bases (what are bases?) but don’t sleep with him until he is your boyfriend, figure out how to get him to the point of being your boyfriend, etc. - and then multiply that by a factor of “I’ve never done this before and gosh I hope it doesn’t show.”

Love U success story of older newly married couple slicing a cake


"Once I started taking Evan’s advice seriously, it took me six months to find the “one.” You can too!"

In 2014, I was 67 years old and planning to retire to a new community in the isolated region of the Adirondacks. Although I was used to living in small towns, I was always near bigger cities. My new home would have a population of 1,200 with the closest city of 19,000 an hour away. “Oh, no!” I thought. “I bet there’s probably one eligible man per ten square miles up there in the North Country!” Still, living in this town was a part of my commitment to be near my grandchildren and a part of their lives in my retirement. Could I fit a man into this life? Could I even find him?

I began dating online to find out. I was still working and living four hours away when I went onto my first dating website and posted my profile in the region I was moving to. Once a month I visited for several days and spent about six weeks that summer in my new digs. I had corresponded with a few men and saw them on visits north. Over the summer, I spent some extended time with one man and thought something might come of it. By fall, however, I realized this wasn’t going to work and broke it off with him. I didn’t do a very good job of it and found I wasn’t good at “breaking up!” “I wish I knew how to break up nicely," I pondered. So, I did what everyone does when they have a question — I googled it! Up popped Evan’s website and the rest is history.

Love U success story of a strong smart successful woman lovingly staring at her husband's eyes


"Thanks to you and your help in our coaching sessions, I finally found the man that's perfect for me!"

Just wanted to share a wedding picture with you and thank you for being the BEST coach a single lady could want!!! We chose to have a small intimate wedding (30 people total), otherwise I would have definitely sent you an invite. In any case, I wanted to thank you for fine tuning my dating vision so I could finally weed out the guys that weren't right for me and see the man that is perfect for me. What you do as a coach is such a gift!

I have to thank you for all of your advice and fine tuning. Before working with you, I was so used to the flashy guys going all in to impress me, that I probably would have passed over the man I'm with because he would have been too normal and kind of boring for the old me.

Join the Community Now and Take the First Step on Your Journey to an Unconditionally Loving and Long-Term Relationship…

A group of happy, smart, and successful Love U women with Dating Coach Evan Marc Katz.

Join a Community of women on the same path as you

You aren’t just another student in Love U. You’re investing in your happiness and taking this journey with me and every other member. Our community is a safe space to share your struggles, your aha moments, and your special moments with zero judgment. In the Love U community, you’ve got a group of people on your side that truly understands you and will help keep you on track when you’re struggling.

Learn from one of the world’s leading dating Coaches

Since 2003, I’ve spent 3-4 hours every day coaching women like you into relationship success. As the first male coach who specializes exclusively in helping women find love, I’ve written four books, been featured in hundreds of media outlets, and written articles that have been seen by over 35 million readers. But my greatest successes are my incredible marriage and all the marriages I’ve helped to co-create.

Love U is where I share everything I know so you can have this, too.

Dating Coach Evan Marc Katz
smart strong successful woman with curly hair smiling

Put your past (and all those Disappointing guys) behind you

Whether you’ve tried your hand at love and have come up short or whether you’ve given everything to men and received little in return, the Love U Community is the place for you. However long you’ve been struggling, this is your chance to change direction and leave the past behind you. In Love U, you have a blank canvas to write a new love story with a happy ending.

Find more Confidence and a renewed sense of worth

You may like yourself. You may think you’re kind, smart, and pretty. But if your genuine self-esteem hasn’t translated into insisting on proper treatment from men, Love U goes deep and helps you restore your confidence. Hey, that’s why it’s called Love U! You can’t have the relationship of your dreams if you don’t love yourself and the content, the coaching, and the community really help.

Smart strong successful woman showing confidence smiling looking beautiful
woman giving her husband a hug - love u success story

And, most Importantly, find a man who ticks all of your boxes and makes you his #1 priority.

Stop settling on players, narcissists, and commitmentphobes. Love U is the world’s most effective program in helping you look inside your blind spots, cure your relationship worries, and get the lasting love you deserve. I’m going to help you understand men and find a passionate, committed partner for life.

The Love U Community is fun, powerful and has helped THOUSANDS of women take control of their destiny and find the man of their dreams!

Just imagine yourself in the Relationshipyou’ve always wanted and deserved.

Just imagine yourself in the Relationshipyou’ve always wanted and deserved.

Love U success story of a happy couple on the beach

Whatever pain you’ve suffered. Whatever fears you’ve harbored. Whatever doubts you’ve had about yourself or men in general…that’s over now.

Now’s the time to put that fear behind you and change your life forever.

Starting now, you will never again spend a second too long with the wrong man and you will easily know how to attract and keep the right man.

There will be no more worry, no more drama, and no more loneliness.

Your partner will do everything he can to make you happy, every single day.

That’s what good men do.

If you’re a smart, strong, successful woman who has everything but the guy and you need help finding the unconditional love that has eluded you, this could be the most important decision you ever make.

Pause for a moment, close your eyes, and imagine the relationship you’ve always wanted.

Are you ready to make that dream a reality?

This is your time. Don’t let it pass you by.

Love U success story of happily married couple gazing at each other while dancing waltz


"I now live the life of my dreams and with the man of my dreams by my side as my husband."

When I met Evan, I was newly divorced and back in the dating game in my 40's and was very impressed with his direct and to the point message about dating. We had a phone consult, and even though I could not afford to hire you for private coaching, I will never forget that you gave me incredible advice and welcomed me to lower-priced offerings.

Your genuine approach to helping me find a happy, long-lasting healthy relationship made such an impression. I followed your columns and posts for years and made notes of the great feedback you gave to me. Many times, I tried and failed in the dating game and the times I failed were pretty much summed up in the advice you give that I just didn't follow.

Luckily for me, I don't give up. Fast forward 3 years later and I met my husband who has consistently been the love of my life and the most amazing man I have ever known. I do owe some of that credit to some advice I took from Evan that I never forgot...

Love U success story of happy couple now getting married


"My life has been blessed by your thoughtful and heartfelt advice."

Thank you, Evan.

All of your excellent advice has morphed into my inner voice.  I'm deeply in love with Chris, and we've moved in together, spent the year's holidays together with our families, got a puppy, and, as this photo indicates, tied the knot!

Love U success story of a strong smart successful woman with her handsome husband smiling


"We are very happy together"

I still get your emails and I was thinking about you today. Sometimes when I give advice to friends or my son I will mention some things you said in coaching like ‘you are acting like she is the only woman in the world’ or ‘sometimes you have to open up to different types of people and not just look for someone just like yourself’ etc.

Love U success story of a sweet woman taking a selfie with her husband wearing sunglasses


"That handsome stranger turned into my boyfriend, then husband and we will be celebrating our 1-year wedding anniversary in March!"

Just want to drop you a quick note to let you know that I read your book, followed your advice and broke up with my boyfriend of 7 years after I realized it was a dead-end relationship. While it was very difficult, I knew I had made the right decision to move on so I could make myself available to a man who wanted the same things that I did...marriage and a happy life together. I didn't plan on dating immediately after I broke up with my ex because I wanted to drop a few pounds and get back in to the swing of being a single person again. I then decided to take a vacation by myself and visit family and friends in Hawaii.

So, I was at the airport dressed in shorts, a casual pullover, flip flops and no makeup, waiting for the flight and I noticed this handsome outdoorsy looking man around my age with a hiking backpack waiting at the same gate as mine. The first thing I said to myself was, "wow I hope he's sitting next to me", then laughed to myself because I travel alone a lot and have never been seated next to a handsome stranger. When I got in the plane and headed for my seat, I couldn't believe who was seated at the window next to me...it was the handsome stranger!

Love U success story of a woman now with her cute toddler sitting down


"Thanks to you and Love U, I got everything I’ve ever wanted."

Thanks to you and Love U, I got everything I’ve ever wanted. My son just turned one. He is an amazing, happy, and sweet little boy and nothing makes me happier in this world than to be his mama. Children grow so fast- I had always heard that but never realized it until I became a parent. I am working full time (36 hours, 3 days/week) so I have a fairly good work/mommy balance.

Love U success story of a strong smart successful woman wearing a white dress with her husband


"I did not need to pretend to be someone else, act in a seductive way, or play games to attract my fiance’s attention."

I purchased Why He Disappeared in autumn 2014 after a long history of disappointments, betrayals, heartbreaks and when my confidence was at its lowest. At 36-year-old, my dating history was a succession of failure stories with no bright outcomes. I had accepted sub-part behaviors and made up a lot of excuses for the men I dated with who treated me poorly, in the hope I would keep them. Off course each story had crashed and burned.

I read the book and nothing sunk in after the 1st time, the 2nd time nor the 3rd time.

Meanwhile, I received Evan’s weekly newsletters, which intrigued and interested me and I kept reading and anticipating each new email at a certain point.

happy smiling blonde woman successfully found love online through Love U by Evan Marc Katz


"We got married last year. It is the best relationship I've ever had. We're best friends and I couldn't imagine us not together."

After years of recovery from a cheating ex-husband I was ready to date again. It became clear very quickly that most guys on dating apps (paid and unpaid) were looking for a hook-up. I tried many different apps and learnt quickly that asking for a recent picture was important. So many times, I didn't recognize the people I'd agreed to meet.

While I had fun, I knew what I was doing wouldn't get me to my end goal of a long-term relationship. I was feeling ready for a change. I discovered Evan via his Love U Podcasts first, then I bought and read, and re-read every book. I updated my profile, became much choosier about who'd I'd meet. I found that I either had lots of dates in a week, or none and I couldn't figure out why. I needed to understand how to find the guy that wanted me for me. I resonated with the advice; it was so simple.

Love U success story of a smart strong successful woman with the man of her dreams


"Taking your group class was the best $ I ever spent!!"

I took your group class and look what happened! Valentino and I are getting married on December 11th in Switzerland. Just a few days from now.

Love U love story of happily engaged couple


"Even with a doctorate in Psychology, I never learned what I needed to know to have the kind of relationship I deserved."

I never expected to be sending you this email. It will be four years that we have been together. This crazy time has brought us together even more. Although, I never thought I wanted it, it made me realize how much Barry is a part of me and we are now engaged! We plan to have a small family wedding with our kids sometime in the next few months. I hope to have a celebration party at our home once this crisis is over and I would love for you and your wife to join us. It will be a while before a large gathering can be safe but I am looking forward to it.

happily engaged smart strong successful woman leaning proudly showing off her engagement ring on boyfriend's chest


"I ended up getting engaged to my boyfriend, we are getting married next June, and I’m three months pregnant!!!!!!"

It’s been awhile and I have been meaning to update you. All good news! I ended up getting engaged to my boyfriend, we are getting married next June (because the venue was sold out this year) but it’s all booked and everything, and I’m three months pregnant!!!!!! We are due on New Year’s Eve!!

Love U success story of a woman with chinky eyes and her happy husband

Bonnie K.

"It's amazing to have a true partner in life. I feel like I hit the jackpot!"

I got engaged last week!

I gotta admit it's been a loooong road to this. Honestly, there were times where I really thought I may never find someone. Then felt stupid for thinking that and told myself my life is great in so many other ways. I hated it that quote that went something like - "you'll realize why all the others didn't work out when you meet the one." Well now I know, like REALLY know. My goodness, thank god you're in this business to help women find this person. Thank god you never give up.

Love U story smart strong successful woman with the man of her dreams


"Evan taught me how to look for the right things instead of chasing after an illusion of a perfect man. Last month, we just celebrated our 2nd anniversary."

When I contacted Evan, it was a day before my 31st birthday.

I had been in and out relationships. I had been putting myself out there over and over again after each relationship ended. I was becoming scared of starting a relationship that led to nowhere but left me with a shattered heart. I was getting tired of going on meaningless dates with men whom I saw no future with. I was impatient, frustrated, deeply worried about the future of my love life and absolutely hopeless about my dating reality.

So, the day before I turned 31, I made my mind: if I were going to give myself a birthday present this year, it'd be putting an end to my clueless, fruitless and oftentimes painful dating path.

Evan was the answer to my 31st birthday wish.

Love U success story of a strong smart successful woman happily married to her husband


"I genuinely couldn't be happier in my marriage."

I wanted to thank you and let you know we're coming up on our third-year wedding anniversary and I genuinely couldn't be happier in my marriage.

Love U story smart strong successful woman with the man of her dreams


"Love wins! All I had to do was stop doing everything I had done before and open myself to a great man!"

I got divorced in 2014, after 20 years of marriage to a very toxic man. I left that marriage feeling low, unworthy and anxious. As I started to get back out there, I found Evan and purchased many of his products such as “Why he Disappeared” and “Believe in Love.”

I met a Jewish doctor in 2014 who was exactly my type: exciting, sexy, smart, and the chemistry was off the charts. However, he was extremely avoidant and could not commit. Instead of following Evan’s advice I plugged along trying to change him for a five year on and off relationship.

Love U success story of a newly married couple holding a glass of champaigne


"This I know for sure: Do what you need to do heal your wounds and limiting beliefs, follow Evan's advice to a T, and the rest will fall into place - I promise!"

So, I officially got engaged on Valentine's Day! 😍

Thanks again, Evan! You were instrumental in helping me create this awesomeness. I never thought a love like this was possible for me. My guy is THE BEST.

About me: 44 y/o, never married, no kids, never even lived with a man, and had buyer’s remorse after getting a dog (though I do love my dog now, lol). I've always been pretty successful and had great friendships, hobbies, travel adventures and whatnot. So, for a long time I didn't realize I had some work to do on myself and my mindset around love and relationships.

Love U success story of a newly engaged couple showing engagement ring


"I hope my story inspires you! If you want it, you'll get it!"

I'm 49, and was never married. I've had some relationships where I thought "maybe this could be the one?" I had an on again, off again relationship with someone between 2014-2017 where I thought "well... I think I love him, but I'm not sure this feels how it's supposed to. He loves me so much, he's a great guy, I guess this is what it feels like?" But something in my gut just kept telling me it wasn't right. And actually, Evan had a few live Q&A webinars as part of Love U we got to call in and ask Evan anything we wanted. BOTH times I called in about this relationship, how unsure I was, and BOTH times, in so many words, Evan basically told me this was not the right guy for me! Talk about knocking your head against the wall, LOL.

Then I had a 7-month relationship where I thought "Okay, THIS one could be the one. He's a great guy. I think I could fall in love with him." Even though in the whole time we dated, neither of us said "I love you" yet. Then he started doing the typical "pulling away" responses around March of that year. When he finally broke up with me, I was devastated! And frustrated!! How could HE not be the one either?! I'm so tired of waiting for "the one"! Why is this not happening?!

Love U success story of a strong smart successful woman happily married to her husband


"Evan challenged me - not to change myself - but to change my choice of men."

I'm in love, married and now have a family. I couldn't be happier.

When I first hired Evan, I was coming off of a horrible relationship with a selfish man who never made me feel safe. Evan challenged me - not to change myself - but to change my choice of men. He didn't always tell me what I wanted to hear, but what I needed to hear. He was honest with me even when I didn't like it. He held a mirror to my face, so I could see how I was sabotaging myself. No one enjoys that, but it's important if you really want to make a change and find true love. In just a few months, I learned so many things:

happy smart strong successful woman happily married to husband thanking Love U by dating coach Evan Marc Katz


"I wish everyone could do Love U. Evan is one of the best dating coaches on the planet!”

After almost three years together, David and I got engaged. And exactly one year later we got married. We were lucky enough to have our dream wedding on Sydney Harbour a few weeks before the bushfires and a few months before Covid. Despite our ages (both over 40), it was a first marriage for both of us. I don’t think our relationship would have unfolded and progressed so smoothly if it wasn’t for Love U. The course, coaching and community was a life-changing experience for me. I loved every minute of it. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you, Evan! (Plus, a thank you from David.) Evan and his wife were invited to our wedding – along with a tightknit group of Love U friends and their boyfriends and husbands – but, unfortunately, it clashed with a significant event and they weren’t able to make it. But Evan and I are friendly and keep in touch. He truly cares about his clients.


Love U success story of a woman with her baby girl and husband on the beach


Two and a half years ago I was frustrated, sad and a little hopeless. I had yet another man leave me suddenly and I was so confused. I knew I hadn’t done anything to warrant his departure and yet I could not deny that the only common denominator in all my failed relationships was me! I had started to read Evan’s blog and everything he said resonated:

I really believed there were good men out there – after all many of my friends had met and married good men – and I had finally come to accept that the only thing I could change was me. So, I signed up for Love U private coaching and promised myself that I would do whatever Evan suggested even those things I knew I would want to resist.

Love U success story of a strong smart successful woman showing off her engagement rings with red nails


I wanted to send you a quick hello and let you know things are going so well! I've been working hard since we worked together last summer. I've been following the guidelines and now am in a committed relationship. We have been together 5 months. As I move forward, I believe I have the tools I need to manage this relationship and any future ones. I hear your voice in my head sometimes though! It helps me remember what is important. This guy has all the things on the What I Need list and so many on the What I Want list too! The time, money, and effort from last summer was absolutely worth it! Thank you!

Love U success story of a newly married woman holding white and pink flowers with her older husband


I had just started dating someone I liked when I joined Love U, and I wanted an expert to guide me through the transition from dating to relationship.

I wanted to understand the whole process better, especially from a guy’s perspective. One of the nicest things I got from working with Evan was the ability to separate THIS guy from past relationships, and to get the “green light” to say yes to this relationship. I was so gun-shy about getting hurt again that I don’t know if I would have given my husband a chance without Evan’s support and encouragement...

Love U success story of a strong smart successful woman with her handsome husband smiling


I was drawn to Evan's coaching because I really wanted to find the right guy and build a meaningful relationship. And as a starting point I just wanted to enjoy the dating process!

I didn't know what I needed to understand...I just knew that what I had been doing for most of my dating life wasn't yielding what I was looking for...

Love U success story of a woman with chinky eyes and her happy husband


"You have to be bold because nothing in life worth having isn’t without some measure of risk."

For various reasons that I don’t want to get into, though not for lack of opportunity, I was a virgin at 34 when I joined Love U. A very successful one who had gone out on some dates but not ever taking it that seriously, and never truly having found that one guy that I really wanted to be with. I decided that I could either spend the rest of my life alone, or apply that logic and determination that I have so well in my professional life and try to find love. A lot of my friends were like, why don’t you just lose your virginity and get it over with so you can date more, it’s not that big a deal. But it was a big deal to me. I had waited this long and I wanted to find that special guy, the one who would love, cherish, respect, and commit to me, who was my match on every level, who would appreciate the gift that I was giving him and understand me for who I am. That was the one I was going to give myself to and it would be all of me. He would fall in love with me, commit to me, and we would be working towards marriage and a future together.

Love U success story of a newly married couple smiling


"If this 50-year-old divorced woman can do it, then pretty much anyone else can do it too, if they set their minds to it."

I so enjoyed participating in the Love U three years ago. Even at the time, I recognized I was learning a lot, and more importantly, gaining a new perspective on how to approach dating again after my 15-year marriage ended. I had to kiss a few more frogs that year, but don't worry - there is a happy ending to this story!

Almost exactly two years later, I met a wonderful guy on Match by following what I learned in your programs. He pursued me from the start, has always treated me wonderfully, and very quickly he became my best friend and the love of my life. And almost exactly five years later, we are married. I have others to thank, of course, including good friends who gave good advice...

happy beautiful bride holding purple and white flowers with her handsome smiling groom


"We're both so very happy AND we're expecting a child together next March."

I know you love success stories so I thought I'd send you through part 3 of mine - yesterday I got married - my husband and I started planning our engagement party, and during the planning decided we didn't want to wait another year to get married so we thought we'd turn our engagement party into a backyard wedding and surprise all the guests. And they sure were surprised!!...

Love U success story of a strong smart successful woman wearing a necklase and earrings


"In less than one year, I met my fiancé online."

After being married for 13 years, I was ready to jump back into the dating scene, and I knew I wanted to use online dating to meet the man of my dreams. So, I decided to do some research on “online dating best practices” and stumbled upon Evan. It had been a long time since I’d dated, and Evan’s tips about getting started online helped me go into the whole process with the right mindset and attitude.

My main goals were to determine the type of man I wanted to be with, who would be a right fit for me. In my past relationships, I’d always led with my heart first, and ended up being disappointed. This time, I wanted to make better choices so I could find long term happiness with a partner who was a good fit for me…not just someone I was physically attracted to.

Love U success story of newly married couple laughing together while holding a wedding bouquet


"I feel empowered to have created for myself the life I truly desire."

When I first met Evan, I was in a 2 year long-term-relationship with a guy… but he was stalling around getting married

I remember discussing these topics with Evan during one focus call and one thing that Evan told struck me profoundly “Nicoletta, pay attention to how bad this man wants to be your husband.”

I was suffering deeply and asking myself the same question that haunts all the women who choose to work with Evan “why does an attractive, sophisticated, loving and successful woman who has much to offer have so much trouble finding a man willing to make a life-long commitment?!” while observing friends getting engaged, married, then having babies at the speed of light…

Love U success story of a woman with curly hair smiling at the camera with the man of her dreams


I am so excited to finally be writing you about my dating success story thanks to your help! I have been following you since 2014 and am also a Love U student/graduate! I think you are such an awesome dating coach! I tell anyone who will listen about you, your websites and your books! Yes, I am an avid student and fan! Even more so now that I am in a relationship and exclusively dating a man I met online. By following your suggestions everything happened just as you said it would.

I am a divorced 53-year-old, highly educated successful and independent black woman with an MBA and a high paying job with the Federal Government who knows the value of having a man in her life! I was married for 22 years to a man I met when I was 18 and a freshman in college. After 8 years of marriage we had one child, a daughter, who is now almost 20 and a sophomore in college. We divorced (when she was 13) due to growing apart and not having the same life goals. It was a very amicable divorce and we are still friends.

Love U success story of a strong smart successful woman with her handsome doing the approve sign


"There is hope for those who put in the effort."

I just got engaged on Saturday to a good, traditional masculine man! I did a lot of dating and kept going until I found the right man for me...

Love U success story of a sweet couple smiling while taking a selfie


"I met the man of my dreams"

Love U success story of a woman carrying her cute toddler


"Evan, there is a gorgeous baby girl in Melbourne, Australia who owes a lot to you and at some stage, when she is old enough, I’ll be sure to explain that to her!"

When a baby is born, the parents usually have a list of people they wish to thank - perhaps starting with their obstetrician, midwives and family doctor. In my case, the list reads a little different. The person on the top of my "thank you list" is you! Please let me go back a few steps and tell you why.

Three years ago, I purchased your eBook, "Why He Disappeared." Since then, following advice from the book and your blog, I have met and fallen madly in love with an incredibly kind, generous, loving man and am enjoying the most fulfilling and special relationship of my life. After being a couple for about a year, we decided we’d like to start a family together. Following 12 months with no success naturally, we undertook IVF, and on 17 March 2015 at 3:09pm our beautiful little girl Eva Amelia was born.

Love U success story of newly married couple laughing


"I have never been happier or in more love in all my life."

Since I joined Love U, so much has happened. It’s surely been such magical time that it’s been like a dream come true and it is all because of you and your coaching. I opened myself up to this man's attention and affection and he has not disappointed me since then.

He told me after 2 dates he wanted to be exclusive and be his girlfriend and told me he was in love after 2 months. As it turned out he was not being "polite" when he would ask me how I was during my cancer treatments but really wanted to be there for me because he knew in his heart that I was someone special. By December, he had introduced me to his kids in France and on Feb 1st, we got engaged. We got married the following summer and I finally have a new job now in Boston MA and we both moved a couple of weeks ago.

Love U success story of a newly married couple laughing together in the church


"Before I joined Love U, I felt lost in the dating process."

I was not even sure what exactly I was doing wrong, but I knew I needed a change. Prior to Love U, I had this feeling that dating was a game of chance - being in the right time at the right place, etc. As a part of Love U I have learned a lot about boundaries, mirroring, flirting, patience, and accountability in dating. But through the weekly coaching calls, guidance, and peer-support, I have realized that dating is about numbers and experience.

Love U success story of a blonde woman smiling


It was like having a direct line to a man’s “private talk.”

I was a 55-year old never married woman when I engaged the services of Evan Marc Katz. I had little experience in love having yearned 18 years for someone not destined for me. I’d recently made the decision to move on and online date. Though I grew up in a family of males, I knew nothing about dating. As a result, I’d had one painful online breakup prior to working with Evan and another one in the works when I signed up with Evan.

Evan taught me a LOT of love “lessons” in a short period of time without having to experience them for myself. Listening to how he used the train wrecks of otherwise smart successful women to provide teachable moments for us all was invaluable. He has an ability to sift through suffering and get at the heart of a situation quickly. On behalf of all GREAT women, Evan doesn’t tolerate bad behavior coming from men. Not only is he gifted at pointing it out but also excellent at getting women to see that one extra moment focused on “Not The One” was a lost moment in the search for love.

Love U success story of a strong smart successful woman with her handsome husband and little son wearing a red jacket


Evan, just a quick note to let you know that Kevin proposed last night, so we are engaged.

Love U success story of a strong smart successful woman with her handsome husband smiling


I just wanted to take a moment to thank you. I started to reading your newsletter and then got the Why He Disappeared. I was starting to see a pattern in the men who hadn’t worked out and I knew I needed a change. I’m so happy to say that with your e-books and videos, you coached me into the best relationship of my life. My love is kind, treats me like gold, makes me laugh non-stop, he’s financially responsible, a great cook, and we have amazing chemistry! He even bakes me fresh bread every few days. Bread and butter are the way to my heart. Haha. It’s really off the charts.

Love U success story a happy couple looking gorgeous smiling to the camera


"Hi, I’m Carol Fromhagen, 58, live in Atlanta and am a Financial Advisor. I think any man would be lucky to have me because I’m fun, flirty, supportive, and kind."

I’m excited to be a part of this group and have been diligently following Evan’s advice since his Focus Group in 2015. I then became a part of Love U and have worked hard to be the best partner possible to the man in my life. I plan to be supportive and balanced in this group and definitely will participate..

Love U success story of a happy couple sitting down smiling to the camera


This is a picture of Frank and I. We have been together for about 3 years. We have been living together for about 1 1/2 years.

Love u success story of older couple smiling


"I’ve learned to prepare my sweet man anytime I have a request that I can’t truly meet on my own."

I say, “Are you willing to help me feel safe, heard and understood about something, or have I caught you at a bad time?” I either learn that he’s busy or that he’s available. Once he’s available (and sometimes that’s not until the next day) I lay it out, quickly and thoughtfully.

Love u success story of happy couple taking a selfie


It’s happened. Your hard work and mine had paid off! Meet Tripp. 3 months in and we are both over the moon. Your interview with Dr. Ali hit me like a Mack truck…. Tripp went from a 6 attraction in my book to a 12 because now his sweet face is symbolic of how incredibly he treats me. And it just makes me want to be better and better to him. Being a “yes” girl and not giving him a hard time about anything has been so rewarding (thanks to your wife for that one) and it gets easier and easier to be that way every day because of how appreciative he is of my newfound easy-going nature. I guess it takes a village. Just had to share with you my excitement and appreciation. Have a great week!

Love U success story of a happy couple taking a selfie together


I notice, now, how terrible it is that women get so many messages that basically tell them not to expect much of men and set the expectation that you will be in an emotionally unsafe or distant relationship. It’s not true. My guy is incredible. Wants to talk through everything, but not in a cloyingly sensitivities way. He cares about taking care of my emotions. He holds me when I am freaking out. It’s amazing. I feel very lucky. He is a very good one. And cute too! And more age appropriate