I found myself newly single at 42. I had spent almost my entire adult life in long-term relationships, and realized I knew absolutely nothing about dating. In my last relationship I jumped through the dating process into a commitment much faster than I should have, because I had no idea how to date and wanted to get to the part I knew how to do. I needed to get more comfortable with the dating stage, so I could have the freedom to be more selective about who I devoted my time to.
Finding the One Online gave me so much useful information. I appreciate that it is very practical. Leaning back and letting the guy lead makes the process much easier and enjoyable. But what I found the most useful was the information on how to write a compelling profile. I spent a lot of time writing my profile, with Finding the One Online as my guidebook. I have been thrilled with the results. I only leave my profile up for about a day at a time, or I end up with more interested men than I can manage. And that is only counting the ones that write actual messages personalized to me.
It really helped me feel more relaxed about the dating process.