7 Texts That Turn Off Men

Have you ever noticed how terrible guys are at texting? I have. It’s like they can only be bothered to write the shortest, lamest thing because anything else would be too taxing for their little brains. You’re trying to get to know a guy and all he can do is send you emojis and pictures of his lunch. It’s maddening, I think we can agree. Then why do you write texts that sound JUST LIKE the guys who drive you nuts? In this Love U Podcast, we’re going to explore the art of texting and explain how you can do better than the very men you complain about.

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6 Virtual Date Ideas That Aren’t Boring

Bad news: you may have heard that there’s a pandemic that passes along a coronavirus even if you don’t have symptoms. Good news: because of the circumstances, people have had to get really creative with how they date. As a result, there are more FaceTime, GoogleMeet and Zoom dates than ever before. Today, The Love U Podcast is going to kill the coffee date and outline 6 virtual date ideas that both of you will love.  Stick around.

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The 3 Ways You HAVE to Connect With Men on a Date

If you’ve ever gone out with a guy where you thought you had a great time but you didn’t hear from him again, listen up. Dating is a skill. The way to master the skill is to practice. The way to practice is to understand who you’re practicing on. And, as your dating coach and translator for all things male, I want to explain today the three ways men connect on first dates. If the guys you like most aren’t calling you back, this one’s for you.

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6 Nonsexual Types of Physical Touch That Men Love

There are a million places to get sex advice. YouTubers will give you tips on oral. Cosmo will teach you some crazy move that requires props. Your friends may share their own secrets. But what’s something you never hear that will pay off even more? How real men like to be touched when you’re not in the bedroom. Don’t get me wrong, if you’re a master with his clothes off, it’s a tremendous asset. But what I’m about to share with you is what takes you from booty call to blushing bride.

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7 Reasons Men on Dating Apps Don’t Turn Into Dates

You’re a quality woman with high standards. You swipe right on only 5% of men. You have hundreds more swipe on you. Now you’re texting a bunch of guys and you’re perpetually shocked at how low-quality these conversations are, and how few of them lead to actual dates. Why does this happen? What can you do about it? What are you missing here? In this Love U Podcast, I’m going to answer those questions and more.

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7 Proven Ways to Overcome Dating Anxiety

Anxiety is human. Anxiety takes place when you’re doing something new, when you’re doing something you feel is risky, when the results are uncertain, and where there’s a chance you may get hurt. For many people, that describes dating, but it doesn’t have to. In this Love U Podcast, I’m going to outline how you can get past your anxiety about dating and not only manage to enjoy the process, but to master it.

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You Can’t Do the Wrong Thing With the Right Guy

So much dating advice is about strategy. If he texts me, how long should I wait to text him back? Should I say “I love you” first? Can I ask him if he’s looking for a commitment? As a dating coach for women, I’ll be the first to admit, dating is a skill and there are some ways of conducting yourself that are more effective than others. At the same time, it’s important to know that dating’s not a chess match, most men aren’t playing games, and that when you’re with the right guy, you literally can’t make a mistake.

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5 Feminine Traits That Men Find Totally Irresistible

One of my most popular videos starts with this counterintuitive premise: Men are about feelings, not about looks. What that means is that men may be drawn in by how you look, but what keeps a man in your life is how he feels when he’s around you. In today’s podcast, we’re going to quickly explore 5 ways you can make a guy feel great, so when you finally meet a good one, he’ll want to devote his entire life to making you happy.

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Do You Choose Men Based on What Was Wrong With Your Ex?

You were in a relationship with a man who had no money. You break up. What do you look for? Money. You were in a relationship that had no passion. You break up. What do you look for? Passion. I call this the Overcorrection. When you’ve been deprived of something for too long, it’s normal to crave it. The problem is when we go too far in the other direction. Today, I’m going to explain more about overcorrecting and how to calibrate your next dating choice so you can get it just right.

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How To Get Over A Crush (Even When It Seems Impossible)

You’ve been crushing on this guy for a long time. It feels great – to see him, to talk to him, to think about what it would like to be with him. That feeling is electric and it’s carried you…all the way to this podcast. Because despite all the time, energy, and daydreaming you’ve invested in this man, he is not interested in you. Maybe he doesn’t know you exist. Maybe he sees you as just a friend. Maybe he’s got a serious girlfriend. Whatever the situation, you have to get past this guy, right now, so you can move on with your life.

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