Your Inner Voice Is Lying To You

We all have a voice in our head. Michael Singer wrote about it in The Untethered Soul. Echkhart Tolle wrote about it in The Power of Now. And recently, I heard Lori Gottlieb, author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, talk about it in a podcast. The problem with the voice in your head is that she’s relentlessly negative and critical, and if you allow her to dictate how you live your life, you’ll never be the best version of yourself. Love U is about helping you overcome your limiting beliefs and get the love you deserve. This is where it all starts.

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Are You Unintentionally Pushing Him Away?

Love is scary, especially if you’ve been burned by men repeatedly. Women who are repeatedly burned by men often got a broken template in childhood about what healthy masculine love looks and feels like. Abusive, critical, selfish, unavailable fathers set the tone for the kind of men women choose in the future, to the point where every man feels equally unsafe. In Love U, we break down these patterns and rewire women to value men who are consistent and kind. But what happens when a guy is being good to you and you discover you’re pulling away and keeping your distance? That’s the topic of this Love U Podcast. Stick around.

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The Value of Being Nice

Nice is one of those words that everyone says they value. But when it comes to attraction, more people – men and women – gravitate towards confident, funny and rich over “nice”. It’s a shame because there aren’t too many traits more important to a relationship than nice. Nice may mean selfless, nice may mean thoughtful, nice may mean “willing to compromise”, nice may mean “resolving conflict easily,” nice may mean being sensitive to your emotional needs, but without it, your relationship is sunk. I’m not the nicest guy in the world, but recently, I got a few lessons in the value of being nice. I hope it inspires you to go the extra mile to be nice to strangers and loved ones alike.

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Does He Have to Be Interesting for You to Be Interested?

I’ll admit: I’m a bit of an intellectual snob. Okay, maybe a lot. Listen, I don’t have many hobbies, so I read a lot and nothing turns me on more than great conversation and sparkling wit. I spent a decade trying to find an Ivy League grad who also had a gift for banter – only to discover that few people possess those respective skill sets. The few that did…usually dumped me. It got me to think: maybe my obsession with finding the smartest, most interesting woman in the world was getting in the way of my long-term happiness. The evolution of my thinking on this topic changed my life. Maybe it’ll change yours as well.

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Have Boys Become More Like Girls?

Second wave feminism was great for women in the United States. Today, more women graduate college than ever before and more women are financially independent than ever before. The result of this is that because women don’t “need” men to provide for them, far more women are choosing not to get married and to exit bad marriages. On top of that, the qualities it takes to succeed in the workplace: tenacity, competitiveness, strong opinions, leadership – have been prototypically coded as masculine. It would not be too much of a stretch to say that as women have become more masculine, men have become more feminine – less likely to be ambitious, less likely to call and plan and pay, less likely to drive dating and relationships forward. What does this mean for smart, successful women who are looking to date their equals? Stick around and I’ll do my best to explain.

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My Thoughts on Barbie

The Barbie movie is now a billion dollar phenomenon – with good reason. It’s a movie told from a woman’s point of view that is unabashedly feminist but fairminded in how it treats its other protagonist, Ken. While it’s visually stunning and the soundtrack is fun, there’s a deeper message about gender roles, expectations, society and romantic relationships. This is my hot take – nearly a month after most of the other hot takes came out.

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Are You Afraid to Share Your Truth With Him?

Have you ever been in a relationship where you are afraid of speaking your mind? Where every disagreement produces high anxiety because if you speak up, it could cause a fight, he could lash out, or he might even break up with you? It may be common but it sure isn’t healthy. Good relationships are strong enough to handle respectful disagreement because no disagreement should be big enough to rupture your partnership. If working things out quickly and calmly sounds like a foreign concept to you, stick around for this latest Love U Podcast.


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You’re Probably Passing Up Your Soulmate

After many years on Earth, it’s common to feel like you know what you like and what kind of partner would work for you. The problem is that the more we get ground in to looking for our “type” (which is usually the opposite sex version of you), the fewer people qualify and you end up alone.

In Love U, we flip that script and learn to date on the margins – opening up to people who are slightly outside our parameters – a few inches shorter, a few years older, potentially different education, income, politics and religion – and voila! My wife and I would have passed each other up online; let’s make sure you don’t make such a colossal mistake yourself.


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10 Ways Your Anxiety Drives Him Away

It’s normal to feel anxious about dating. Too many men are selfish, emotionally unavailable, and incapable of making you feel secure. But when you find a secure man who treats you well, your anxiety can be a real detriment. When you treat a nice, consistent guy as if he’s a constant threat to hurt you or abandon you, most of those nice guys will eventually find it tiring. In this Love U Podcast, we explore the many ways in which anxiety surfaces in a relationship so you can finally forge a bond with a man that is meant to last.


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Why High-Achieving Women Struggle With Feminine Energy Guys

Masculinity is suddenly a hot topic in America. Is masculinity – aggression, decisiveness, ego – inherently toxic? Would men be better off acting more like women? If so, what does that mean for women who remain attracted to stereotypically masculine men? This is a common theme of my coaching in Love U and in this podcast, I wanted to share some of the insights and inherent contradictions in being a Type A woman who wants a man who is more “man” than she is, but bristles at the idea of being with a more passive, easygoing guy. This is a good one. Stick around.


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